Quick Green Tea Recipes You Can Try At Home
Image Credit: Pexels

For a long time, green tea has had an international reputation. It comes in a variety of tastes and if you use the appropriate ingredients in the right amount, a cup of this brew can help with a variety of conditions. Today, it’s a popular beverage in many households, and it’s occasionally used as a substitute for normal black tea. This soothing tea has won the hearts of many health freaks due to its numerous health benefits, which range from weight loss to heart health maintenance. While enjoying this green to yellow-hued beverage, it’s critical to prepare it properly to get the most out of it.

Well, there is no standard method or recipe for making green tea. Over boiling the green tea ingredients may result in a harsh taste and may cause the beneficial compounds to be lost. Yes, it’s that simple, and we’ve put together some quick green tea recipes for you to try at home. Here’s what you’ll find:



1. Lemongrass Green Tea

With the goodness of fresh lemongrass, a cup of this tasty brew may keep you stimulated throughout the day. Lemongrass is a strong antioxidant that can benefit your body in a variety of ways, including enhancing your immunity, weight reduction, skin health, digestion and even preventing malignant cells from developing.

Recipe: Heat a pan and add a glass of water to it. Bring it to a boil and add a few chopped strands of lemongrass. A few mint leaves, add a few tulsi leaves (optional). Lower the flame and let it reduce. Cover it to infuse its flavours. Now, strain and serve hot.

Best time to drink: Morning



2. Lemon Ginger Green Tea

A popular combination of green tea leaves, ginger and lemon is an excellent way to cleanse. It can help reduce your hunger and support weight loss with an enhanced metabolic rate and good skin if ingested on an empty stomach. 

Recipe: In a pan, bring a glass of water to a boil. Reduce the heat to low and add a teaspoon of freshly grated ginger and one teaspoon of green tea leaves. Cook for 3-5 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat and squeeze one lemon. Cover and set aside to absorb the flavours. Strain and serve immediately.

Best time to drink: Morning or after meals
