5 Paneer Recipes To Make For Your Navratri Fast Platter
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Paneer is the most liked source of protein for vegetarians. Made with curdled milk, paneer gives you the joy of a creamy texture and a mildly sour flavour that makes it delightfully versatile. Since it is made from milk, paneer also becomes a Sattvic food option that you can add to your vrat platter for a wholesome meal.

With paneer, you can make several amazing Sattvic recipes that can bring flavours to your fasting menu. From the easy paneer tikka to more elaborate vrat wali paneer ki sabji, almost everything you make with paneer comes out delicious without fail. You can pair it with salads, wraps, breads and even fast-friendly rice to create a satisfying meal to help you last the entire day.

Not only will it bring variety to your fast platter, but it will also help you enjoy the flavours to your heart's content. Paneer also cooks up very fast and easily so it becomes a convenient option for the busy festive schedule. Check out these amazing vrat recipes with paneer that you can make this Navratri.

Paneer Tikka 

Skewer cubes of paneer, season it with rock salt, cumin powder and black pepper powder, then grill it until crispy from all sides to make easy vrat-friendly paneer tikka. You can then pair it up with kuttu or rajgira roti, samak rice, bhagar, or with salad. Also, you can eat it as a snack option for a morning breakfast treat.

Paneer and Sama Rice Pulav

Adding paneer to samak rice pulav brings a delightful texture and flavour to the recipe. All you have to do is cook samak rice with carrot, potatoes, cumin, green chillies, rock salt and black pepper powder, then add stir-fried pieces of paneer and mix it all up. 

Paneer Stir Fry

When your hands are tied with a busy schedule, a simple stir fry will make up for a satisfying meal. Just stir-fry paneer in ghee with cumin seeds, grated ginger, rock salt and chopped green chillies then spice it up with black pepper powder and serve. It can also be paired with kuttu roti or bhagar for a wholesome meal.

Palak Paneer 

Palak is one of the sattvic vegetables that is permitted during the Navratri fast. You can take advantage of this to prepare a vrat-friendly palak paneer recipe Blend palak with green chillies as usual and stir fry it in ghee with cumin seeds, bay leaves, cardamom, a small cinnamon stick, grated ginger and 2 cloves. Then add cubed paneer and rock salt, and mix well. You vrat palak paneer is ready! 

Rajgira Paneer Paratha

Rajgira is a highly nutritious pseudocereal or a false cereal that is a perfect energetic addition to a vrat platter. This one rajgira paneer paratha is enough to keep you feeling full for hours. Just combine rajgira flour, crumbled paneer,  cumin powder, finely chopped green chillies, chopped coriander, and some ghee then knead it to a dough and roll into flat parathas. Fry the parathas on a griddle with some ghee and enjoy it with yogurt.

Paneer can be the star ingredient of your Navratri platter with these delightful recipes. Try them at home and head to our website for more such interesting ideas.