Eating Habits: 4 Myths Busted Around Winter-Related Foods
Image Credit: Winter-Related Foods

Our appetite typically increases during the winters. Almost everyone likes to savour warm foods such as spicy pakodas with hot tea. Not only this, but winter cravings also let you try different varieties of food. In winter, many questions are also raised about everyone's health. Everyone has an opinion about what to eat and what not to eat in the chilly season. So let's clear these misconceptions regarding winter-related food.

Eating spicy foods in winter keeps the body warm 

Usually, you must have heard that to keep the body warm in winter; one should eat things that regulate body temperature. However, it's a myth if you are thinking about heating the body by eating spicy foods. Spicy food may increase the temperature for a short time, but it does not happen for a long time. So it's better to avoid such misconceptions as overconsuming spicy foods is harmful to your body. 

Dairy foods and mucus 

Do dairy foods make more mucus in your body? However, experts believe that there is no connection between consuming dairy foods and mucus production in the body. You can even take a cup of warm milk with a pinch of saffron which is the best way to keep cold and fever away. 

Citrus fruits during winters 

Usually, it is said that citrus fruits should not be eaten in winter. But don't forget that Vitamin C is abundant in these fruits, which is best for winters. The citrus fruits give you relief from sore throat, cold, etc. In addition, fruits rich in vitamin C help digest the nutrition you get from your food; thus, helping your body get rid of phlegm.

Vitamin supplements in winter 

How many of you consider taking vitamin supplements in winter? Experts believe that taking a vitamin supplement in a balanced amount is the right thing for the body, but taking more can be harmful.