Move Over Dum Biryani: Have You Tried Hyderabad’s Doodh Ki Biryani Yet?
Image Credit: Pixabay, The doodh ki biryani is a lesser-known gem of Hyderabad.

Hyderabad is a one-stop shop for biryani. The first name that comes to our minds when we think of one-pot rice dishes, it has to be biryani. And if someone pops the word Hyderabad, it has to be Hyderabadi dum biryani. For those untouched by the phenomenon, biryani is a one-pot dish that is made with rice and succulent pieces of meat or chicken. The rice is layered and then the meat is added along with spices one after the other. A dum biryani’s specialty lies in the fact that it is slow-cooked and sealed with a layer of dough. 

The fragrant and aromatic rice dish is popular across the country, with each region sprucing up a different kind of variety. The southern parts of the Indian sub-continent are as enthusiastic about biryani as the northern parts. However, in the South, you’ll find each state with a special type. Hyderabad might be known for its dum biryani around the world but there is one hidden gem that is yet to be placed on the food map. It is Hyderabad’s doodh ki biryani.