5 Gut Healthy Superfoods For Summer
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While summer weddings are beautiful and sunny, they’re also a little tricky because of heat-related stomach issues happening, especially with the binge-eating. As a culture that believes in maximising an occasion’s experience through food, nothing should stop you from having that extra serving of aamras or pani puri. Eating a few things that are native to our culture and changing seasons is one of the most ideal ways to ensure lightness of your stomach and a healthy, functional gut. Including a handful of superfoods like ghee and chyawanprash, and consuming them at the right time, to begin with, is a solid start.

Methi Ladoo

Image Credits: Jain Rasoi

If you suffer from gut issues that are related to your sleep routine being erratic or having to miss workouts because of travelling and staying up late, eating a methi ladoo made with ghee, jaggery and dry ginger for breakfast or as an evening snack, is extremely beneficial. This superfood ladoo is excellent in promoting intestinal mucosa, keeping constipation at bay as well as stomach cramps. Due to the presence of methi and ghee, this ladoo is also good to keep lustrous hair, which might otherwise seem dull and dry because of poor digestion.

Hing Water

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Drinking a glass of cool or room temperature water flavoured with asafoetida and black salt after a mid-day meal is ideal to prevent feeling bloated or for those suffering from IBS. This health drink is a reliable source of vitamin B12 and releasing gases, both of which are essential for a healthy gut. Consuming a glass or two in the afternoon is recommended if you want to show off your flat stomach during an event scheduled for the evening.


Image Credits: Navbharat Times

As much fun weddings are to attend, everyone is also prone to infection or going overboard with all the eating and drinking; hence, a teaspoon of chyawanprash – the astringent herbal Indian paste – with a glass of warm milk, before bedtime is meant to relax the nerves and enable good quality sleep. The herbal Indian paste is also an abundant source of flavonoids and antioxidants, which help keep the skin free from acne or dryness.

Ragi Buttermilk

Image Credits: Pinterest

Ragi buttermilk is one of the best liquids to consume to combat eating all the greasy food and drinking alcohol. It is a solid source of iron and calcium, required to keep your bones and teeth strong. Along with fortifying the body with nutrition that enables good immunity, drinking a glass between 11-12 at noon, before a heavy meal is great to hydrate and provide fibre content to the body.

Kokum Sherbet

Image Credits: Bodywise

This cooling and healthy drink is perfect for summer weddings to allow the body to keep from overheating or having hot flushes. It also works well as a digestive drink to have after dinner to help the stomach feel light as well as facilitate hassle-free bowel movement.