Celebrity fashion designer Masaba Gupta and actor Satyadeep Misra got married on January 27, 2023 in an intimate court ceremony, and surprised their fans with some beautiful pictures from the event. The secret, small affair was attended by their immediate family members including Masaba's mother Neena Gupta with her husband Vivek Mehra, father and legendary cricketer Sir Vivian Richards, and Satyadeep’s mother and sister. While the pictures from the intimate affair went viral, the newly-wedded hosted a small reception later in the day just for their closest friends and family. The guest list included Sonam Kapoor, Dia Mirza, Konkona Sen Sharma, Soni Razdan, and more.
From the many pictures and videos of the party that went around the internet, what got us excited most was a video shared by celebrity baker and Masaba’s close friend Pooja Dhingra. The ‘Macaron Queen of India’ is the woman behind popular patisserie Le 15, that has many celebrity fans including actor Sonam Kapoor. Dhingra designed and baked the wedding cake for Masaba’s reception, and shared a video about the same. Looking at the cake, we couldn’t help but drool!
In the video we could see a giant three-tier cake, which seemed to be vanilla, slathered with oodles of whipped cream, and intricately decorated with tiny flowers. The video by Pooja showed a glimpse of what went behind making the stunning cake and what all happened around the cake table at the party – speeches and toasts and all things happy, right before cutting the cake. Take a look at snippets from the video:
Doesn’t the cake look absolutely indulgent and amazing? "It’s always the hardest to make something for the people you love so dearly! Congratulations @masabagupta and @instasattu - to a lifetime of happiness, laughter, food and obviously CAKE! Love you guys" Pooja wrote in the caption of the video along with several emoticons. Besides the royal cake was a huge chocolate one as well which had ‘Congratulations’ written atop, looking all things delicious. Knowing how big a foodie is Masaba, we are sure she loved the sweet treats!
Here’s wishing the couple a happy married life ahead.