Including fresh fruits and vegetables in your daily diet is crucial for maintaining a healthy body. These foods are rich in essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and fibre. Kiwifruit, also known as Chinese gooseberry, is a great example of a fruit that can provide various health benefits. With its light green or golden flesh, edible seeds, and thin, fuzzy, tart skin, kiwifruit offers a unique texture and sweet flavour. Originally from eastern and central China, the fruit has been enjoyed since its mention in the 12th-century song "Dynasty." Incorporating kiwi fruit into your diet can provide a wealth of nutrients and contribute to a healthy lifestyle.
Here are some benefits of having kiwis:
Beneficial To The Skin
Vitamin C, an essential nutrient for radiant skin, is abundant in kiwis. Kiwi also has antioxidants that shield the skin from wrinkles and ageing. Kiwi can be eaten uncooked or even applied topically to the skin.
Lowers Blood Pressure
Many people have high blood pressure, also known as hypertension. Fortunately, kiwi fruit's fantastic potassium concentration can help decrease blood pressure levels. This, in turn, helps improve conditions like type 2 diabetes and stroke.
According to USDA data, 100 grams of kiwis can contain up to 3 grams of dietary fibre, which accounts for 12% of your daily recommended intake. Dietary fibre aids in a more prolonged feeling of fullness and promotes a comfortable and healthy digestive process. Kiwi has a protein-dissolving enzyme that can accelerate the breakdown of proteins into amino acids.
Immunity Booster
As mentioned above, kiwis are a great source of vitamin C, which helps to naturally increase immunity. Antioxidants present in kiwi help in defending against free radical damage and assist in controlling bodily inflammation.
Strong Bones
Do you know kiwi helps build strong bones? It is a strong source of folate, which helps with bone development. Vitamin K present in kiwis encourages the autotrophic activity in the bones, which leads to the development of bone mass.
Good For The Heart
Potassium, a nutrient vital for heart health, is abundant in kiwifruit. According to studies, this nutrient by itself can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease. Consuming kiwi fruit also lowers blood pressure. A daily intake of kiwis can reduce plasma lipid levels and platelet reactivity, two factors that might lead to cardiovascular problems.