Actress Karisma Kapoor who is currently working on director Abhinay Deo’s next crime drama ‘Brown’, likes to keep her fans updated with her day-to-day activities on Instagram. If you happen to be one of her 7.1 million followers, you would know that the diva is a big food buff. The Kapoor family of Bollywood is known for their penchant for food, and Karisma is no different. Every time she tries something yummy, she never forgets to give a shout-out. She seems to especially enjoy her chocolate desserts a lot, but on Saturday, the actress chomped on super crispy and savoury Sabudana Vadas.
She paired her crispy fritter with tangy mint chutney, and wrote “So Good” in the caption.
Making Sabudana Vada
Sabudana Vada is a popular Indian delicacy, especially in Maharashtra but did you know it is not that old a recipe. Tapioca or Sago arrived from Singapore and Malaysia some 150 years ago. They were considered very exotic, and not everybody had access to it. Over the years, India really warmed up to these white pearls, and set up its own units to produce the same. This significantly brought down the prices of Tapioca, making it commonplace, especially in Indian kitchens, giving birth to delectable dishes like sabudana khichri and sabudana vada.
Since Sabudana is not a cereal or a grain, it is the perfect Satvik ingredient to be included in Hindu fasting. The sale of Sabudana understandably skyrockets before Navratri, Shivratri, Janmashtami and other such Hindu festivals that are associated with fasting.
However, sabudana is so versatile and yummy, that you should keep it in your kitchen all year round. Just soak the pearls in water and when they puff up, use it to make dishes like Sabudana vada, kheer, khichdi etc.
Sabudana Vada, is a crispy fritter that is made with sabudana pearls, boiled potatoes, green chillies and mild spices. It is shaped as a round patty using hands, and then deep-fried in oil or ghee. The gluten-free Maharashtrian snack can also be air-fried, which could further help cut down on calories. It is an excellent evening snack and something that you can carry in your tiffin to office, or picnic or potluck. It is easy to make, fuss-free and a hit with everyone. However, here are some tips you may want to keep in mind before making them.
Tips To Keep In Mind
- Use medium-sized Sabudana to make these vadas
- Wash them well, and while washing, mash them a bit using your fingers, this will ensure that your vadas are not too chunky, and harmony of textures is maintained.
- While soaking the sabudana, the ratio of water to sabudana should be 1:1. For example, if you are soaking one cup of sabudana, take one cup of water, or enough water to ensure that sabudana is fully covered. Do not use too much or too little water to soak your sabudanas.
Here is a yummy recipe of Sabudana Vada. Try it at home and let us know how you liked it.