Is Good Metabolism Connected To Healthy Sleep? Read To Know More
Image Credit: Zeel

In a sleep-deprived population that constitutes a major part of the working class and younger generations of children, high stress environments often lead to lifestyle ailments that directly affect how we sleep. Often times, in a cyclical manner, our health issues entangle and inter-connect, leading to a host of digestive problems as well as overall discomfort, due to not having enough quality sleep. As most of the food we consume has certain levels of glucose that the body uses to convert into energy, the growth hormone and cortisol levels have a direct impact on glucose regulation.

Typically, the growth hormone performs at peak levels when the body is rested, during the onset of a sleep cycle and cortisol, during the second half of an individual’s sleep cycle. As per a study conducted by the National Library of Medicine, the fall in glucose metabolism contributes to two-thirds of the fall in systemic glucose utilization. Hence, when we eat a meal, however balanced, the body is unable to entirely process and convert this fuel into energy that we need to function. This leads to digestive troubles like indigestion, constipation, irregular bowel movements, weight gain and more.

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Moreover, neurotransmitters like ghrelin and leptin, which promote the feeling of hunger and feeling full respectively, are affected by the loss of sleep – leading to diminished appetite or signalling the brain for the need to consume a higher amount of calories. As the quality of sleep worsens, there are high chances of a decrease in the production of these neurotransmitters as well as hormones that help the body operate. While eating a diet that is balanced, seasonal and consisting of home-cooked meals is important for a holistic sense of well-being, it is safe to conclude that sleep deprivation has adverse effects on metabolism.