How To Make Store Like Paneer At Home
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Fresh cheese called paneer commonly referred to as cottage cheese is mostly consumed in the Indian subcontinent. Paneer has become well-known outside of India thanks to its use in popular dishes like pakoras, kebabs, paneer curry, and others. Fresh, soft, non-melting cheese created from milk is typically unsalted. Lemon, vinegar, or citric acid are used to curdle milk to create this cream-coloured cheese. It is not always required to cut and fry paneer before using it because it tastes wonderful when consumed fresh and uncooked. The pre-made cheese sold in stores has the potential to be tough and rubbery, ruining your meal. The greatest paneer is homemade because it is delicious, fresh, and tender and because it is simple to make at home. And paneer that is newly cooked is healthier than paneer that has been prepared.

Health benefits of paneer

An existence without Paneer is inconceivable. Being able to be used to create so many delicious treats that we all enjoy makes it unique. The fact that Paneer is healthful is the finest part. It is an excellent source of calcium and a powerhouse of protein, making it helpful for preserving teeth and bones. Additionally, sufficient calcium levels guarantee sound nerve and cardiac function. If you have diabetes, paneer is beneficial to you since the magnesium in cottage cheese helps control blood sugar levels. It contains potassium, which supports our body's fluid equilibrium. Additionally helpful for digestion, paneer's respectable phosphorus level supports intestinal health. 


2 litres of whole milk and 6 tablespoons of either lemon juice or white vinegar are required to produce homemade paneer. Using a medium burner, boil the milk in a big saucepan. Keep some lemon or vinegar on hand while the milk is boiling. When the milk is finished, turn off the heat and whisk while adding lemon juice (or vinegar). The milk should start to curdle right away. If not, you can add another tablespoon of vinegar or lemon juice. Give the curdled milk 10 minutes to cool. Place a cheesecloth inside a sizable sieve or colander. The cheesecloth should be used to filter the curdled milk. Rinse the curd in cold water to remove any residual vinegar or lemon juice. Cooling the milk curds makes it easier to squeeze them right away. So that the soft cheese is shaped like a ball, gather the cheesecloth and twist it. Next, wring out the extra water. Put the wrapped cheese on a flat surface, and then press down on it with a plate. Maintain the pressure on the cheese for at least one to two hours. Before cooking, chill the cheese. It's time to use your delicious handmade paneer!