Are you interested in making protein powder at home? The best high-protein powder recipes that you can produce at home with basic components are presented to you here. The market is swamped with pricey protein powders, making it difficult to choose between whey protein, plant protein, and the standard protein powder, which contains about 25% protein. Protein powder is also viewed with a lot of mistrust as well, and not everyone advises using it due to claims that it can harm the user's liver and kidneys. There is no doubting that protein is a necessary component for weight loss, and while you should be cautious of the various chemical-laden powders on the market, you must consume a particular quantity of protein daily for sustained weight loss. The validity of these studies has not yet been established. Why not try making your own protein powder?
Try these two simple at-home protein powder recipes-
Plant Chocolate Protein Powder
1. 1 cup hemp protein
2. 1 teaspoon stevia
3. 1/2 teaspoon chlorella
4. 4 teaspoon vanilla bean powder
5. 1 cup flax meal
6. 1/2 cup toasted carob
7. 1/2 cup raw cacao
8. 1/4 cup maca powder
1. In a blender or food processor, combine hemp protein, flax meal, toasted carob, raw cacao, vanilla bean powder, stevia, chlorella, and maca powder. Blend the items thoroughly until they become powder. Keep in the freezer in an airtight container.
Peanut Butter Protein Powder
1. 1 1/2 cup peanut butter powder
2. 1 cup hemp seeds
3. 1/2 cup rolled oats
Peanut butter/
Blend all the ingredients in a blender, including hemp seed, rolled oats, and peanut butter powder. Until powdered, pulse. Use a wooden spoon to transfer into a mason jar to stop spills. To maintain freshness longer, store in the refrigerator.
Benefits Of Homemade Protein Powder
-It is additive-free.
- It is economical.
-None of the common allergies.
- Without added sugar
Boost Its Nutrition
Add ground oats, maca powder, almond flour, and nuts like cashews, pistachios, peanuts, walnuts, hazelnuts, and almonds to your powder to increase its nutritional value.
How To Use
-Make protein bars.
- Add it to the oatmeal.
- Blend it into drinks.
- Prepare a protein shake.