Here’s What To Know About Spiced Rum, Make Your Own At Home

Rum is a pleasant addition to any daiquiri, mojito, or any number of other cocktails and mixed beverages that are more suited for more temperate climates, even in the dead of winter. Although there are many diverse interpretations of this sugar cane distillation, which is associated with island life and sailing experiences, there is a crucial distinction that separates rum into two general categories: aged, black, or "gold" rum, and white, light, or "silver" rum. Most people could tell the difference between the two types of rums just by looking at them, but learning the differences between them is a valuable exercise if you want to learn how to spice rum on your own. 

Rum Making 

There isn't one single, generally prescribed way to create rum, unlike certain other spirits of the globe that are defined by carefully regulated production procedures. Since rum is a product of the West Indies, each island have their unique customs and practises, which may account for the lack of standardisation. For instance, Jamaica is better associated with aged rum made with the aid of something called "dunder," but Puerto Rico maintains things light. 

No matter what type of rum you're working with, molasses, a byproduct of the sugarcane refining process, is a rather necessary ingredient. However, even that isn't a must in every case. When conventional sugar refining techniques are impractical, sugarcane juice is occasionally substituted. In the former French colonies in the Caribbean, sugarcane juice is more frequently used as the base for rum. Cachaça is a somewhat different but equally amazing spirit produced in Brazil from fermented sugarcane juice. 

When water and yeast are added to the molasses or sugarcane juice, which helps to jump-start the fermentation process, rum distillation can then begin in earnest. The early dividing line between what will become light and dark rums is the specific yeast used at this stage: While more full-flavored rums are typically associated with "slow" yeasts, lighter rums are frequently associated with "rapid" yeasts. It's important to remember that the yeast itself does not give rum its distinctive hue. 

Spiced Rum  

Similar to gold or black rums, spiced rums are matured in color-changing barrels, or, in the case of less expensive products, are at least heavily caramelised to change their colour. Although there isn't a set formula for when to infuse spices into rum, it usually happens near the conclusion of the maturing process. Generally speaking, that takes between six and one months, depending on who is producing it. 

Caramel, as previously mentioned, does contribute, but the precise blend of spices used in mass-produced rums is frequently a closely-kept secret. The Original Spiced Gold offering from Captain Morgan doesn't reveal the recipe, but they do acknowledge that it has hints of rich vanilla, brown sugar (which is made in part from molasses), and "warming spices with just the hint of oak." 

There is no set rule for how rum should be made, just as there is no set way to spice it. Popular spices like cinnamon, peppercorns, and nutmeg may also occur, along with aromatics like anise, cloves, and cardamom. Fruits also play a part, with some homemade spiced rum recipes requiring orange (both peeled and as a garnish in the form of slices). 

How To Make At Home 

Making your own rum spices at home is not only feasible, but also simpler than you may imagine. There's a good chance you already have what you need on your spice rack, as you may have inferred from the preceding section. Allspice berries, cloves, cinnamon, vanilla beans, nutmeg, orange peels, and cardamom are among the spices that appear to be used in the various rum-spicing recipes that are currently popular. Of course, experimenting is where the majority of the joy in making your own rum infusions lies, and there are undoubtedly worse things to learn to create the hard way. 

Use 750ml of a medium aged rum, if possible. Spices won't instantly transform a light rum into a black rum, but you don't want anything that has been aged for too long such that the oakiness has really crept in because that means you're not dealing with a clean slate. The next step is to combine the ingredients with your rum in an airtight, sealed jar. Before doing so, make sure to scrape the seeds from the vanilla bean. Shake again and put the container somewhere that won't receive a lot of direct sunlight. 

You'll be pleasantly surprised to learn that your homemade infusion can mature properly in just two days. When the 48 hours are up, pour the entire mixture into a fresh container, removing the solid ingredients with a sieve or piece of cheesecloth, and you're ready to go. 

If you've learnt anything from today, it's that there is no one right way to spice rum, just as there isn't a perfect form of rum. But ideally you now have a better understanding of how rum is manufactured, as well as the types of spices that can be utilised, as well as how to go about creating your own spiced rum. Although it won't necessarily turn you into a pirate, making your own rum is currently the closest thing you can get.