The largest tree-borne fruit in the world, known by many names across India and the world, the humble jackfruit is not only consumed as a fruit but is also used to cook many dishes. Regularly ripening to sizes anywhere from ten kilograms to twenty-five kilograms, the fruit is spiky and comes from the fig family. While it is regularly eaten in South India on its own or in dishes like idlis, dosas, and curries, certain other tropical countries tend to use it in custards and cakes. Its consumption has increased in recent years, even in non-native countries like the United States, as it is considered to be a good source of plant-based protein and is also similar in texture to shredded meat, which makes it an attractive option for people on plant-based diets.
From a nutritional perspective, jackfruit is rich in carbohydrates, protein, vitamins, and minerals while being extremely low in calories and fats. Primarily including carbohydrates in the form of natural sugars, jackfruit consumption may increase blood sugar levels. However, the presence of high levels of natural dietary fiber and protein can help prevent blood sugar levels from spiking post-meal. This peculiar nutrient profile makes it an ideal choice for people with type 2 diabetes. Carotenoids in jackfruit may help reduce inflammation and decrease the risk of developing certain chronic illnesses. Vitamin C in jackfruit can help reduce the duration of certain illnesses like the common cold and also help maintain healthy, younger skin.
Jackfruit can be beneficial for people with diabetes due to its relatively low glycemic index and glycemic load, which can help regulate blood sugar levels. The glycemic index is a number from zero to one hundred that is assigned to foods and represents the relative rise in blood glucose levels two hours after the consumption of the said food. Glucose is assigned the number 100 as the food that has the highest glycemic index. Additionally, the presence of natural sugars and fiber in the fruit may help control blood sugar levels or lower the risk of having diabetes. Although jackfruit flour benefits those with diabetes, those who are diabetic should only consider adding raw jackfruit to their diet under the supervision of a doctor. Jackfruit has a relatively low glycemic index between fifty and sixty compared to glucoses one hundred. In fact, raw jackfruit has a lower glycemic index than ripe jackfruit, which is why raw jackfruit is considered more beneficial for patients with diabetes.
While jackfruit has a low glycemic index and glycemic load, making it suitable for regulating blood sugar levels, a doctor's guidance is essential to ensure that it does not interfere with other medications or cause any adverse effects. Jackfruit also has an average glycemic load ranging from thirteen to eighteen, wherein anything between zero and ten is considered low and twenty or above is considered high. Glycemic load is a measure that takes into account the glycemic index of a food and the amount of carbohydrates it contains per serving. While the glycemic index only measures how fast a carbohydrate-containing food raises blood sugar levels, glycemic load also takes serving size into account. This means that a food with a high GI may not necessarily have a high GL if it is consumed in small quantities, and vice versa. Foods with a low glycemic load are generally better for people with diabetes, as they cause a slower and more gradual rise in blood sugar levels. Hence, jackfruit is a reasonable dietary option for diabetics.
While the sweet and yellow fleshy part of the jackfruit is what most people think of when they hear jackfruit, the seeds and leaves of the jackfruit and its tree are also equally beneficial to diabetics and the general population. Jackfruit leaves are rich in calcium and vitamin A, which may potentially aid in better ocular and bone health. Being rich in antioxidants and soluble and insoluble dietary fiber, jackfruit seeds can help control and reduce diabetes. Jackfruit seeds may be consumed boiled, roasted, or after being converted into flour. The best consumption method is said to be after boiling and peeling. Raw consumption is to be avoided at all costs, as the presence of certain phytonutrients or antinutrients may hinder the absorption of other nutrients. Diabetics who are on blood-thinning medication are advised to avoid jackfruit seeds, as they have the ability to slow blood clotting. Also, it is better if diabetics begin consuming these seeds after their blood sugar levels have been brought under control and they are experiencing a reduction in these levels.
From the above-furnished information, one may infer that jackfruit in general is a beneficial fruit not only for the general population but also specifically for diabetics. However, exercising restraint and seeking medical advice before adding raw or ripe jackfruit to one's diet, would prove more prudent and beneficial in the long run and help avoid or negate any adverse side effects that such dietary changes may bring about.