Growing Black Pepper At Home? 7 Things You Need To Know
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Black pepper is exclusively grown in countries that have a warmer temperature and humid climates. It is used to give a woody and slightly spicy flavour to food. In terms of salads and fruit bowls, it can instantly transform the way a dish tastes. The most prominent use of this spice is in the form of topping or seasoning. Black pepper is the fruit of the plant and is generally dark in colour. 

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The plant of black pepper plant is quite small and can be easily inculcated in one's kitchen garden. Now, because this plant is not native to India, people would assume that it's quite difficult to look after it. However, contrary to popular opinion, black pepper plants are very low maintenance and can be easily planted in the kitchen garden. Here are some important factors to consider while planting black pepper.

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* Location 

The location for planting black paper should always be humid and get a lot of sunlight. However, the sunlight shouldn't be direct. Make sure that the plant receives indirect sunlight and is not under the radar of the sun at all hours. Avoid planting black pepper in a darker and relatively cool area. The plant of black pepper plant can only be sustained in a humid and hot climate. If a person is planting black pepper in an area that receives direct sunlight, then it is better to use a filter cloth that provides shade to the plant.

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* Soil

The soil of black pepper should be medium clayey in texture and should also be fertile. Black pepper cannot sustain for a very long time if the soil doesn't have enough nutrients. Also while preparing the soil for black pepper in a pot, one should ensure that there is a proper drainage system. Water clogging can be a big reason why the pepper plant doesn't give flowers. One should also make sure that the pH level of the soil remains between 5.5 to 7. Neither too acidic nor too alkaline soil can make a plant grow properly.

* Watering

Water should be given to the black pepper plant regularly. This is done to ensure that the soil remains moist and doesn't dry out because of less amount of water in the soil. However, a person should also ensure that the water stored in the soil shouldn't make it too runny. One should give water to the black pepper plant regularly in optimum quantity.

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* Humidity Level

Black pepper plants love a humid climate, which is why the more moisture, the better it is for the plant. So a good trick that one can use while preparing a pot for black pepper plant is to add lots of water to the soil while preparing the bed of the plant. This will instantly increase the level of the humidity in the soil and the soil is going to remain properly moist for a very long time. Also, it is best to grow black pepper during the monsoon as humidity levels are pretty high during that time.

* Process

The process of growing a black pepper plant is very simple. One has to simply take a pot or a container and fill the soil in it. Add lots of water to make the soil humid and moist. Now plant the black pepper seeds near the surface of the container. Keep this plant indoors for at least 30 days in contact with sunlight. After 30 days, one can also transfer it to another plant outside the house.

* Pests 

One of the most common reasons why black pepper plants are affected because of pests is over-watering. Overwatering gives room for the growth and infestation of insects, slugs, and worms. The risk becomes even higher if the plant is planted outside the house. Hence, a person should be extremely careful and keep a regular check on any kind of insect infestation. 

* Mulching

Mulching can be a great idea to protect the texture in the soil of a black pepper plant. Mulching is the process of covering the soil of the plant with organic material, such as leaves, wood pieces, and bark of trees. It helps in preserving the texture of the soil and also retains moisture. If one is looking forward to improving the condition of the soil then mulching is not just effective but also a very affordable option.