Farah Khan Treats Patralekhaa To Homemade Roast Chicken

The list of fans that gush over how amazing Farah Khan’s ghar ka khaana is, continues to expand with more and more admirers – latest on the list being actress Patralekhaa. In a video posted by the film director and reality TV judge on her social media, Patralekhaa was seen bent over a box which held a whole roasted chicken that was prepared using Khan’s family recipe. The actress, who Farah mentions, had specially requested to cut into the roasted bird for her birthday, instead of opting for the usual sweet confection associated with the occasion.

The ‘cake’ cutting, which took place in their mutual friend Kanta Motwani’s Kroma Kay Salon, saw Patralekhaa smiling from ear to ear, as she cut a piece of the delicious-looking chicken using a fork and knife. After sharing a piece of the chicken with Motwani, the actress went on to take a bite, which she relished after blowing the candle that was placed on top. She went on to declare that the chicken was much better than cake, calling it the ‘best birthday ever’ while continuing to enjoy her bite.

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Farah also encouraged the actress to take the chicken home with her and enjoy it by herself,  since her husband – actor Rajkumar Rao – was vegetarian. This exchange was followed by Motwani divulging that she brought along dahi wada and khichu for Rao, as a way to compensate for not getting treats. Farah also mentions at the end of the video that the birthday girl’s menu also included a cooker full of lip-smacking yakhni pulao waiting to be dug into. Apologising to Rao in her caption about finishing off the dahi wadas before they could get to him, Farah’s comment section also saw a response from him where he demanded that he should be fed Sindhi kadhi and paneer the next time. Excuse us while we make a beeline for this birthday feast!