Constipation is a typical medical condition. It is characterised by erratic bowel movements and challenging-to-pass firm faeces. Constipation can be brought on by a variety of factors, from a bad diet to inactivity. Bananas are sometimes blamed for constipation, although others assert that they actually prevent it.
Bananas are high in fibre
One of the most consumed fruits in the world is the banana. They make an excellent snack and are quite healthy. In addition to being high in fibre and a number of essential vitamins and minerals, bananas are also rather high in this nutrient, with one medium banana comprising roughly 3.1 grams. Fibre has long been touted as a constipation preventative and reliever. By absorbing water, soluble fibre keeps faeces soft and bulky. This might facilitate smoother stool transit through your digestive tract. However, despite the fact that many healthcare providers advise their constipated patients to consume a lot of fibre, the evidence for the claim that fibre relieves constipation is inconsistent and shockingly weak.
Green bananas are high in resistant starch
Resistant starch is a complex carb with characteristics akin to those of fibre. It bypasses the small intestine's digestive process and eventually makes it to the large intestine, where it feeds the bacteria that live there. The act of feeding these microorganisms is beneficial. They generate short-chain lipids, which improve metabolism and support a healthy digestive system. The majority of a banana's dry weight, between 70 and 80 per cent, is made up of starch before it ripens. Resistant starch makes up a sizable portion of this starch. A banana's starch and resistant starch content drops and turns into sugars as it ripens. Like soluble fibre, resistant starch has similar properties and can ease constipation.
green bananas/
Online sites abound with claims that eating bananas will make you constipated. Some people believe they are a risk factor for this ailment, yet studies have not verified this. German researchers looked into how different dietary items affected the perceived consistency of stools in one study. Three groups were polled:
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS): Constipation was a common symptom in 766 patients with IBS.
Constipation: Constipation affected 122 patients.
Control: The control group consisted of 200 healthy adults.
When asked which meals or drinks in the three groups produced constipation, 29–48% of respondents mentioned bananas.
Bananas improve other digestive issues as well
When eaten in moderation, bananas are generally well tolerated by most people. They enhance digestive health and have prebiotic effects, which means they nourish and promote the growth of good bacteria in your stomach. One investigation looked at how eating bananas influenced gut bacteria in 34 overweight adults. The researchers noticed increases in a type of good bacteria called Bifidobacteria after the ladies consumed two bananas every day for two months. The impact, meanwhile, was not statistically significant. Additionally, the banana group noted reductions in digestive symptoms like bloating and soreness in the stomach.