Cook With Apples: Try Making These Apple Recipes
Image Credit: Image credit: Pexels| Apple chutney

Apples have the potential to be one of the most extensively consumed fruits all over the world. We may take this simple fruit for granted, but believe it or not, when prepared and added to dishes, it works wonders and has a variety of health benefits. Apples have been consumed in the form of fruit salads, juices, tarts, and pies. Taking it a step further, this fruit may be used to produce a plethora of delicacies. But have you ever considered using apples in a recipe? Cooking is an art form, and experimenting with ingredients is simply a manifestation of that art. You may dislike raw apples, but we are optimistic that after trying apple dishes, you will fall in love with this delicious fruit. 

Let’s cook with Apples! 

Apple Chutney 

This is a great condiment to try instead of the same old chutneys. 


1 tsp olive oil 

one-inch ginger, peeled and coarsely chopped 

½ tsp red chili powder 

½, tsp turmeric 

1 tsp garam masala 

3 large apples, cored and cut into 1-inch cubes, about 3 cups 

1½ cups water 

1½ cups dried, sweetened cranberries (or berries, figs) 

Salt and pepper to taste 


Heat the oil in a medium-sized, thick-bottomed saucepan over medium heat. Add ginger and cook for one minute, stirring regularly. Toss in the red chili powder, turmeric, and garam masala for 2 minutes or more. Gently add in the apples. Add water and bring it to a boil. Reduce to a low heat, add the dried cranberries or whatever berries you're using, and cook for 15-20 minutes, or until the apples are mushy and the liquid has decreased. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Your apple chutney is now ready to serve. 


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