8 Health Benefits Of Eating Bichu Buti Ka Saag
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Bichu Butti is a very popular plant in Uttarakhand. In English, it is known as stinging nettle and is not only used for consumption but for medicinal purposes as well. This plant has optimal health benefits and a magnanimous nutritional profile. It is a powerhouse of potassium, calcium, iron and lots of vitamins. Bichu Butti ka saag is made from the plant by using the similar technique used in making sarson ka saag and Palak ka saag. It might look very similar to the other kind of saags prepared in India, but its taste and health benefits are very autonomous. Let's look at 8 benefits of eating Bichu Butti ka saag.

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* High Amount Of Iron

This plant has a higher amount of oil and can prevent anaemia. Also, the presence of vitamin C makes the body absorb the higher amount present in this plant more effectively. It can help in maintaining our haemoglobin levels and is great for pregnant women who struggle with dwindling iron levels. Instead of eating too many iron tablets, try making the Bichu Buti ka saag at home.

* Nutritious 

Bichu Butti is an extremely nutritious plant and has a good amount of protein, amino acids, minerals and fatty acids. It also has many beneficial antioxidants that will help in protecting the immunity of your body and make it stronger. It also has a high content of vitamins A, C and K. Being rich in iron and polyphenols it is a complete vegetable that can fulfil your daily nutritional intake for a lot of vitamins and minerals.

* Diuretic 

There are ample diuretic properties in stinging nettle that can help in flushing out unnecessary toxins from the body. It also helps in generating a free flow of urine and flushes out extra salt present in the body along with urine. Any person who has a problem releasing urine can try eating this saag as it may help solve the problem very quickly.

* Blood Pressure Regulation 

Bad cardiovascular health is a consequence of fluctuating BP. Very often high blood pressure leads to heart disease as well as cardiac arrest. The presence of so many vitamins in Bichu Butti may help it widen the blood vessels of the heart. This may prevent any kind of blockages in the blood vessels and reduce the risk of heart attacks and other heart-related problems.

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* Anti Inflammatory 

Stinging Nettle is also very anti-inflammatory and releases histamine that is believed to be a natural cure to inflammation, and itchiness in any kind of sensitivity-related problem outside the skin and even in the stomach. The presence of antioxidants like carotenoids and flavonoids helps in reducing the oxidative stress levels in the body. Overall, if you experience any kind of inflammation in your body, then you can try eating this saag.

* Treatment Of Hay Fever

Bichu Butti might also be beneficial in treating Hay Fever. Hayfever is a kind of allergy in which the lining of your nose is inflamed and irritated. Stinging nettle is very useful in treating this kind of allergy and is considered a very promising treatment. You can try eating Bichu Butti ka saag as a natural treatment to see if it works out for you or not. For a prolonged time if you cannot see any improvement, then we suggest that you must go for proper medical care.

* May Control Blood Sugar Levels

This may also help in controlling blood sugar levels in the body. The plant of Bichu Butti contains a compound that has similar effects to that of insulin. Although there is no proper scientific evidence to support this claim, consumption of the saag is anyway harmless. Many people have seen significant improvement in their blood sugar levels after the consumption of Bichu Butti saag regularly. You can try this as a natural remedy at home and see if it works out for you.

* May Fight Enlarged Prostate Gland

Bichu Butti ka saag may also be beneficial in fighting against enlarged prostate glands. This is a proper medical condition that leads to discomfort in the body, especially urination. It is a very common problem among men over the age of 50. This is a condition that might be treated by consuming Bichu Butii ka saag every day. The leaves of this plant have dihydrotestosterone also called DHT. This can help in giving the body relief from the pain due to the growth of prostate tissue.

These are some of the benefits of eating Bichu Butti ka saag. The benefits experienced by people vary a lot of time depending upon their body type. Also, relentless consumption of a particular food is very important to see significant changes in the body.