6 Health Benefits To Include Curd In Your Daily Diet
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Curd, also known as dahi, is a milk product made by fermentation. After boiling, the milk is allowed to cool to a temperature of 30 to 40 degrees Celsius. To start the fermentation process, add a teaspoon of curd to the milk once it has cooled (to light warm). The bacteria grow after a few hours or overnight, causing the milk to curdle. Eating curd has several health advantages because of its high nutritional content. Let's examine these in more depth.

Enhances Skin Health

Many people are concerned about their skin seeming drab or ageing. According to a 2023 study that was published in the Nutrients Journal, probiotic curd can help with skin-related problems, including dryness, wrinkles, ageing, and pigmentation. Curd's anti-inflammatory properties can aid in achieving naturally radiant and nourished skin. So, enjoy the many health advantages of probiotic curd by deliberately including a bowl of it with your meals.

May Help With Weight Loss

A 2015 research that was published in the International Journal of Obesity found that eating curd aids with weight loss. You won't have frequent cravings since it speeds up your metabolism and makes you feel fuller for longer. This lowers your chances of binge eating, emotional eating, and overeating, which will help you lose weight.

Beneficial For Bones And Teeth

Do you know why the most effective strategy for improving the overall state of your teeth and bones is curd? The amount of calcium and phosphorus in it helps. Curd is a great source of calcium, which is like gold for your teeth and bones. Based on U.S.D.A. statistics, there are approximately 121 mg of calcium in 100 grams of curd. Eating curd every day helps you meet a large portion of your daily calcium and phosphorus needs. It fortifies your bones and lowers your chance of developing diseases like osteoporosis, tooth decay, weakened gums, arthritis, etc.

Promotes Healthy Gut

Gut health is intimately related to the term probiotic. Including probiotics in your diet is critical if you have bloating, constipation, or indigestion.

But go for probiotic curd rather than artificial pills. Probiotic use may even be able to treat IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), according to a peer-reviewed 2010 study that was published in the Gastroenterology and Hepatology Journal.

Immunity Booster

Numerous nutrients, including probiotics, minerals, and vitamins, may be found in curd. Curd has been shown to strengthen immunity. Its nutrients strengthen immunity, and probiotics aid in reducing the inflammation that underlies many chronic illnesses. The main nutrients that help to improve immunity include zinc, magnesium, selenium, and vitamin D.

Like microorganisms, probiotics help the body prevent and treat various bacterial and viral illnesses. Thus, heightened immunity aids in the body's defence against illnesses such as the flu and the common cold, according to the US National Library of Medicine.

May Lower Blood Sugar Levels

Because curd has a high protein content, it lowers blood sugar levels. Yoghurt or curd helps lower blood sugar levels and insulin resistance. Diabetes and heart disease risks may be reduced as a result. Moreover, the GI and GL of curd also support low blood sugar, according to a study by the Journal of Nutrition.