5 Deep-Fried Snacks Our Monsoons Are Incomplete Without
Image Credit: Pakoras/ Instagram- test_of_baroda

The greatest way to recognise the start of the monsoon is by the soothing scent of moist soil. The monsoon season is the ideal time to indulge in delicious treats, in addition to illuminating our surroundings with emerald green colours and promoting happiness everywhere. This season calls for a plate of sizzling hot fried treats to be shared with loved ones and a nice cup of tea or coffee. In India, monsoons always have a unique tale to tell. Your taste buds are left craving for some chatpata spicy hot snacks because of the cool breeze, the pitter-patter of raindrops in time with the sound of your favourite song, and the rain.

Here are some dishes you can enjoy during the monsoon-


A samosa is a snack that can be fried or baked and has a savoury filling made of peas, onions, and spicy potatoes. Depending on the region, it may have a variety of shapes, such as a triangle, cone, or half-moon. This snack is famous in every state. Samosa is a typical Indian snack that is loved by everyone. The crispy coated snack filled with boiled spicy potatoes is all you need on a chilly rainy day. 

Vada pav/ Instagram- thefoodiemariner