5 Foods To Get Instant Relief From Sinus Infection
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Sinus infection leads to a lot of health-related problems like nausea, headaches, body aches, and sinus pressure. It takes a few days for the body to recover from this infection which is very common during the winter season. Generally, a person catches this infection upon direct exposure to cold wind. In this case, most people suggest taking good rest and timely medication for faster recovery. 

But having a good diet can also play a very integral role in faster recovery and temporary relief. It is very important to avoid processed food fatty acids if one is trying to recover from a sinus infection. These types of food can aggravate the infection even more. 

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If somebody is suffering from a sinus infection and going through severe pain, then here are some foods that might provide relief to the body and help in faster recovery.

* Ginger And Garlic

Ginger and garlic are very beneficial for the body and can instantly help relieve pain triggered because of sinus infections. Since ginger comes with a lot of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, it helps accelerate the healing process which eventually decreases the pain. Ginger also helps in easing discomfort and allergies in the body. As per the National Institute of Health, ginger has many properties that can help in reducing swelling, pain and inflammation in the body. Garlic is very rich in a sulphur compound that has both antibacterial and antifungal properties.

* Hot Beverages 

Drinking hot beverages, when one is down with a sinus infection can be very nourishing for the body. Warm liquids can help in relieving nasal congestion and also are beneficial in providing relief to the body from any kind of respiratory infection. In an article by Medical News Today, it has been published that drinking hot beverages can increase bowel movement and help in better digestion of the food. During a sinus infection, drinking a hot bowl of chicken soup is very beneficial for the body. Not only is it easy to digest but also gives the necessary nutrients to the body without much labour of chewing and digestion. 

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* Citrus Fruits

Most sinus infections are built in the body after the accumulation of fluid in the air-filled pockets that are present in the face. Fruits that are very rich in vitamin C including oranges, Kiwis, and grapefruit are very beneficial for sinus infection. Being rich in antioxidants, they can help in reducing nasal congestion and inflammation by preventing the accumulation of mucus in the nasal cavity. Antioxidants can also help with reducing swelling in the body and providing relief from any kind of external pain.

* Water

Drinking a lot of water in the hydrating body again and again during a sinus infection is a great way of dealing. This is the perfect tip for somebody who is living alone and doesn't have anyone to prepare food or look after them. During a sinus infection, the body gets severely dehydrated because water is needed to thin up the mucus buildup in the nasal cavity. Having some warm water or even water at room temperature is going to help a lot in relieving the stress buildup in the nasal cavity. It will keep the body hydrated and also one is going to feel relieved from the sinus infection.

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* Honey

Everyone loves eating honey because of its luscious texture and sweet taste. It also comes with a lot of antibacterial properties that can help in curing inflammation and sore throat. As per a report published by the Mayo Clinic, honey has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It is also loaded with a lot of antioxidants that can help in treating problems like cold. Anyone who is suffering from a condition of sinus infection must have some hot water mixed with a spoonful of honey to kill bacteria that might be present in the respiratory tract. This will provide instant relief from the sinus pain. It is also not very strong for young children and can be used as a natural remedy. Honey may also help with a stuffy nose and difficulty in breathing due to a sinus infection.

These are some healthy foods that must be consumed when a person is suffering from a serious sinus infection. Not only are these foods fit for consumption during illness, but also contribute to faster recovery of the body.