Food is transformed by fermentation by bacteria, yeasts, or other microbes. But hold on! There are a few things you should know about the fermentation process and the amazing health benefits it can provide. Some of our favourite and most commonly consumed foods, such as alcohol, yoghurt, and sourdough bread, are produced through fermentation. Whether it's sauerkraut in Germany, kimchi in Korea, or kefir in the Middle East, people have long understood the delicacy and powerful nutritional advantages of these foods. When microorganisms are given the chance to convert the carbohydrates in food into more elemental forms, such as alcohol or acid, fermentation happens spontaneously. Live, lactic acid-producing bacteria pre-digest the meal in the case of fermented foods, increasing the body's ability to absorb the nutrients and creating probiotics. Fermented foods are one of the most effective ways to promote the health of your digestive system because probiotics have been found to support healthy gut microbiota. Additionally, regular consumption of fermented foods may significantly improve your general well-being because gut health is frequently linked to reducing the risk of illnesses like heart disease and arthritis. The fact that these alleged health advantages are linked to naturally fermented foods rather than vinegar pickling is a crucial distinction. Both methods of food preservation date back thousands of years, but only fermentation involving live organisms can offer you the probiotic boost you need for digestive health.
Here are some fermented food items that are good for gut health-
Kefir is a consumable yoghurt-like fermented milk product prepared from cow, goat, or sheep's milk. High quantities of vitamin B12, calcium, magnesium, vitamin K2, biotin, folate, enzymes, and probiotics are among the benefits of kefir. There have been kefir drinkers for far over 3,000 years. Kefir is a word that originally came from Russia and Turkey and means "feeling good."
It is believed that Northeast China is where kombucha, or fermented sweet tea, first appeared more than 2,000 years ago. Kombucha is produced by fermenting sweet tea with a SCOBY, a symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast. It has a light carbonation and a distinct tart flavour. To generate a variety of flavours, people frequently add fruits or herbs.
A fermented vegetable dish called kimchi is made from a variety of vegetables, including cabbage, radishes, leeks, cucumbers, and sweet potatoes. This traditional Korean cuisine, which has a nearly 1,000-year history in Korea, is now well-known throughout East Asia and the rest of the world. Consuming kimchi may help lower cholesterol and enhance blood sugar levels, according to evidence. Additionally, the bacteria in kimchi may aid in gut health improvement and the relief of certain digestive problems like bloating, abdominal pain, and irregular bowel movements.
Fermented cabbage is what sauerkraut is. Despite the fact that the word "sauerkraut" is German for "sour cabbage," it is thought to have originated in China about 2,000 years ago. Sauerkraut that is raw and undercooked is a strong source of probiotics, which may be healthy for your gut health. Eating sauerkraut was linked to fewer symptoms in various studies including persons with irritable bowel syndrome after just six weeks.
All yoghurts sold in stores are not created equal because microorganisms convert milk's lactose into lactic acid to form yoghurt. In yoghurt, Lactobacillus acidophilus is the most prevalent probiotic. Many types of yoghurt, including traditional, Icelandic, and Greek yoghurt, contain this insect. You can seek a "live and active cultures" statement to see if a yoghurt contains probiotics even though it may not always be visible on the label. Protein, calcium, phosphorus, and B vitamins are all present in yoghurt in good amounts.