When you walk into a supermarket, there is an infinite amount of choice, so many aisles of alternatives, and if you're like me, even when you go in with a list and a plan, you wind up with some tasty products you don't actually need and (sometimes) won't even make it to your dinner plate. While a few luxuries here and there are wonderful, if you're serious about fitness, you need to get the nutrition portion correct. A runner fuelled solely by chips and chocolate? Sounds like a disaster waiting to happen. That's why we've put together this quick list of the finest foods to eat for runners to help you decide what you need to stock up on.
Isn't food a form of fuel? This is especially true for runners. We need it to fuel our bodies and thoughts and make the most of our run. A nutritious runners' diet meal plan will help you succeed by ensuring you have enough to feed your body without feeling lethargic.
1. Almonds
Try to eat almonds 3-5 times a week. They include vitamin E, which serves as an antioxidant and can aid with muscular discomfort and healing. According to a study, vitamin E intake can help counteract the oxidative stress and muscle damage caused by jogging. When to consume: As part of a regular diet. Try almond nut butter on toast as an alternative to almonds before a run. Toss some almonds into a casserole or stew, or blend up some nutty almond soup. You can use them in your oatmeal for the morning or on top of a salad for lunch or dinner. Or just eat them plain or roasted.
2. Eggs
Eggs are a popular source of protein for a variety of reasons. Aside from the 6 gm of protein in one egg, it also contains immune-boosting vitamins and minerals such as zinc, vitamin A, E, and B. There's also iron, which aids in the maintenance of healthy red blood cells. An egg also contains around 6 grammes of protein in a readily digestible form. Omega-3 fat-enhanced eggs also help reduce inflammation caused by exercise.
3. Whole Grains And Pasta
Pasta is another favourite choice on the eve of a big run. Because runners require a high level of carbs every day, cereals, breads, and even pasta become a practical way to meet this requirement. To be smart, though, choose whole grain breads, pasta, and cereals over refined carbs with a lower glycemic index. As a result, the energy release is slower and can keep you going for longer, providing you with the energy you require in a consistent manner over time. Furthermore, the fibre in these grains, as well as the B vitamins, are beneficial to your overall health, body weight management, gastrointestinal health, and immunity.
4. Kale
Kale is an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant-rich food. It's also low in calories, so you can have it without feeling bad. A cupful contains potassium, which can help restore mineral balance after a run and has only 8 calories. It also contains antioxidant vitamins and minerals like A and C, folate, calcium, and phosphorus.
5. Skim Milk And Low-Fat Yoghurt
According to research, consuming proteins coupled with carbs as your post-workout recovery meal speeds up muscle tissue regeneration and replenishment of muscle glycogen stores. In one test, chocolate-flavoured skim milk outperformed a recovery supplement. This was attributable to the combination of protein contained in milk and added carbs found in chocolate.
Low-fat yoghurt is another great post-run snack because of its protein content, which can aid in muscle recovery. Add some granola or fruit for a carbohydrate boost. The bacteria in yoghurt are also beneficial to your gut and aid in immunity building.