This year has been more than just a wake-up call. It was almost considered ‘fashionable’ to neglect your health and keep up with other commitments sometime back, but all it took was a tiny virus to bring the world to a standstill. The pandemic put a lot of things into perspective, chief among which was the valuable lesson that 'health' is indeed 'wealth'. The pandemic is also proving extra challenging for the diabetic patients. Their recovery rate has been much slower, and rate of fatality is another major concern. This is because in sugar patients, the virus finds an excellent breeding ground. Which is why doctors around the world are asking diabetics to be extra cautious. If you happen to be a diabetic, make sure you do not miss your medication, you can also bring some kitchen ingredients to your rescue.

How Is Cinnamon Effective In Controlling Diabetes

Diabetics should focus on including foods that are high in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. Interestingly, the tree spice cinnamon that you often find in a gamut of desserts, could actually do wonder for sugar patients. The spice that is excellent for digestion helps regulate levels of both glucose and triglycerides in the blood, thereby keeping blood sugar spikes at bay. Additionally, the spice is also loaded with anti-septic, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties, thus making it an excellent bet for improving your immunity naturally.  

 How To Make Cinnamon-Infused Water

This is quite possibly the easiest recipes out there. Take a bottle of water, and 2-3 small-medium cinnamon barks. Dunk the cinnamon barks in the water bottle, close the lid and keep it in the fridge. Let it stay overnight. Consume next morning. Remember to practice moderation.  

 You can also use cinnamon as an effective alternative to sugar. If you are missing sugar from your diet, a bit of cinnamon can more than make up with its earthy and slightly sweet flavour.