The female body has to go through lots of changes in every passing stage of womanhood. Menstruation is a crucial phase in every woman's life. Though it is a steppingstone for girls, it also comes with its share of agony. Many women have to go through excruciating cramps during these days of the month. These pains are generally referred to as period cramps. Most of us resort to painkillers like Tylenol and Ibuprofen or other non-medicinal methods like hot waterbags and light exercises to somehow quell the pain. But there are times when nothing works. To begin with an effective remedy, we need to understand why our body reacts to such discomfort during our menstrual cycle.

Why Are Cramps So Painful?

Mild period cramps are a natural phenomenon that happens to almost every woman. It usually occurs during the initial days of the cycle and lasts for a day or two. This happens when the uterus contracts to help shed the blood lining which elevates the pain. Mainly a hormone-like gland, named prostaglandins, is associated with the trigger of this inflammation. The higher the levels of this gland the more severe the pain will be.

How Raspberry Leaf Can Be Effective?

While you can always look for various effective home remedies, red raspberry leaf tea can be your ultimate answer for the agony. This healing concoction has been consumed for many centuries to naturally support healthy menstruation. It also has the ability to keep the cramps at bay during the monthly cycle. Raspberry leaf is laden with various healing properties. The most notable among them are the duo of fragarine and tannins which work together to provide relief from PMS symptoms like cramps, vomiting, nausea, and diarrhea.

Fragarine is an alkaloid found in the raspberry fruit. This property helps to tighten muscles around the pelvic region. Thereby, assuaging cramps caused by spasms of the muscles during the shedding of lining. Meanwhile, tannins are known to strengthen the uterus with its rich antioxidant resveratrol properties.

How To Make Red Raspberry Tea?


1 cup water

1 teabag of raspberry leaves


1. In a saucepan warm the water over medium flame.

2. When the water is warm enough, turn off the fame.

3. Take a ceramic cup and pour warm water into it with the raspberry teabag. Let it steep for 10-12 minutes. Make sure to squeeze the bag nicely before removing it from the cup.