For many years, health professionals have argued that steaming is significantly healthier than a number of the traditional cooking techniques we use. This topic has been hotly contested for a while. The basic idea behind steaming is that it involves continuously heating water, which releases steam and cooks the vegetables. The trend in meal preparation that is expanding the fastest is steaming food. The fact that it is both simple to execute and keeps food in its healthiest state. It is a method of cooking in which hot steam is used to transfer heat into the food, preventing it from coming into touch with hot liquids like when it is boiled or hot fats as when it is fried. 

A necessary piece of equipment for steaming meals is a steamer. In actuality, it contains no oil and is regarded as a healthy option. A steamer is typically a sealed vessel with food to be steam-cooked in the upper section and water in the lower part. 

Methods Of Steaming

Food can be cooked in low-pressure steam either directly or indirectly. Food can be prepared either directly by placing it in a steamer or a pan of boiling water, or indirectly by placing it between two plates and a pan of hot water. High-pressure steaming is carried out in specialized equipment that prevents steam evaporation, cutting down on cooking time. 

Why You Should Steam Foods 

Steaming is a cost-effective and nutritious method of cooking because of a few important factors: 

1. When steaming, there is no need to add fats or oils; this maintains your meals heart-healthy and minimizes the quantity of calories you are consuming. 

2. When food is steam-cooked rather than boiled, it maintains more of its original vitamins, minerals, and enzymes that might otherwise seep out into the cooking water. 

3. Vegetables and fruits that have been steamed have softer fibres, which are easier for your body to digest and absorb all of their nutritional value. 

4. Steamed foods don't become limp, mushy, or colourless; they maintain their original structure and colours, staying crisp and looking much more delicious. 

5. The majority of vegetables, fruits, grains, and meats can be prepared using the fairly flexible cooking technique of steaming. 

6. Steaming allows for the rapid cooking of a variety of foods over one source of heat; this conserves energy and money, making cooking more economical and environmentally friendly. 

Make Steaming More Flavourful 

Crunchy: Before adding the veggies to the steamer, toss them with a mixture of extra virgin olive oil, freshly ground black pepper, and salt. 

Herb: Fresh herbs like parsley, lavender, basil, or thyme can be added whole to the vegetables while they steam. Before serving, remove. 

Citrus: Sprinkle a little lemon zest over the vegetables, or flavour the water with fresh lemon juice or lemon slices. A great combination with squash, green beans, and broccoli. 

Sweet: To improve the flavour of sweet vegetables before steaming, add a dash of red wine vinegar or balsamic vinegar. Carrots and sweet potatoes work best for this. 

Exotic: For a fantastic stir-fried flavour, toss Asian vegetables in a mixture of sesame oil, white pepper, and a little soy sauce before steaming.