Work from home became a new normal in 2020 and continue to rule as we fight the deadly Coronavirus. While some of us love to stay at home and work in our way, we often ignore the timeline of our eating schedule. Some of us end up having the first meal at noon, leading to skipping or delaying lunch and so on. And many of us feel hungry in between work if we aren’t eating a fulfilling meal, and due to that, we end up munching on junk food. Whether you are over-worked, tired or need something to nibble on while working, we’ve got five of the best ready-to-eat snacks that you can load up on without guilt!

Healthy, quick and wholesome!

1. Almonds

Nutrient-dense, wholesome and crunchy, almonds are packed with omega-3 fatty acids, which improve heart and brain health. Besides this, almonds are enriched with protein, which keeps you satiated for long, curbing those hunger pangs and aiding weight loss too! You can munch a handful of almonds every day.

2. Roasted Foxnuts

Light, healthy and incredibly delicious! Makhanas or foxnuts are gluten-free, low in sodium, cholesterol and fats and have an adequate amount of protein. Isn’t it the best thing to munch on while working? Roast it lightly over a pan and sprinkle a bit of salt and enjoy!

3. Trail Mix

A mix of seeds, nuts and dry fruits, nothing beats a wholesome bowl of trail mix. Play with ingredients such as pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, almonds, cashews and more!

4. Yoghurt

A bowl full of yoghurt is the perfect way to fill yourself up with zero calories. Yoghurt is a probiotic and packed with nutrients such as calcium, potassium and vitamins besides fibre, and helps manage gut health while satiating you for a long time.  

5. Roasted Chickpeas

Roasted chana is one of the most favourite bites to munch on. It is loaded with protein, fibre besides essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and vitamin K. Do we need more reason? Well, it is super delicious and may get you hooked!