There’s something about the aroma of freshly brewed coffee that captivates our heart and soul in a flash of a moment. With the weather getting chilly day by day, the offer of a comforting cup of hot coffee seems just about right. Raf coffee is a foamy hot coffee drink hailing from Russia, that became a global sensation by the turn of the 20th century. This popular Russian drink is brewed by adding fresh cream and vanilla sugar to a single shot of espresso which is then blended to attain a foamy texture, ultimately giving the coffee its characteristic look. Some consider it to be another version of latte which isn't true because unlike brewing a latte, in raff vanilla sugar and cream are formed together instead of just the milk. 

Apparently, this popular coffee was created by accident when a barista in Moscow was asked by a regular customer named Raphael, to serve him something new. So in order to fulfill his demand, a group of three baristas gathered brainstormed together and as a result of their combined efforts, this new coffee was brought to light.  At that time it was known as ‘Coffee for raff’ but gradually over time,  it simply came to be known as Raf. It’s time you try this Russian drink and indulge yourself in the rich, foamy and decadent flavours of Raf. Ain’t got a brewing machine at home? Worry not because we have the simplest recipe for you.


  • Coffee beans for an espresso
  • 30ml fresh cream
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla sugar/ sugar
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon

Steps in the making-

  • Grind coffee powder to powder and then mix in warm milk, in order to put together a shot of espresso.
  • Take a blender or a coffee maker if you have and pour some fresh cream and vanilla sugar.
  • Blend until foamy and thick. Transfer the mixture into a cup.
  • Sprinkle some cinnamon powder over the top.
  • There you go, your raff coffee is ready to be served hot.