Bhakarwadi is a traditional Indian snack that is immensely popular in the western states of Gujarat and Maharashtra. It is believed that this beloved tea-time snack originated in Gujarat. Bhakarwadi is made using dough of gram flour that is rolled up and given a spiral shape. This snack is then stuffed with a mixture of freshly grated coconut, poppy, and sesame seeds and finally fried until crispy. Crunchy, crispy and delicious, is that all you are looking for in your homemade bhakarwadi? In case you are having trouble making perfect bhakarwadi at home, we are here to back you up. Markdown these three tips and tricks that we have shared below.

1. Allow the dough to rest for 30 minutes

After you're done kneading a smooth yet firm dough, keep your dough aside for resting. If you follow this step, rolling the dough can get easier later on. Letting the dough rest will help in developing the gluten and also a much better elasticity of the dough. So make sure to allow your dough to rest for about thirty minutes.

2. Roll the dough well

Rolling the dough into the correct shape before and after stuffing is quite important. Before stuffing, take medium-sized balls and roll them in a thin-medium shape just like a chapati. The step that comes after stuffing also requires you to roll them carefully using both your hands. Keep rolling the chapati into a round shape by pressing it gently.

3. Never overstuff the mixture/ stuffing

Once you have thinly rolled the dough in a chapati shape, the next step is always to spread the mixture. Before pouring the mixture, always grease it well with ghee/oil. If you overstuff your final batch of rolled bhakarwadi, the mixture might split out during frying time. Hence, you won’t get crispy and perfectly shaped bhakarwadi.

We hope these tricks turn out to be helpful to you. Check out the full recipe here.