Foods with the greatest nutritional value per calorie are referred to as superfoods, a relatively recent concept. Currently, no food is categorised as a superfood by any legal definitions or universal standards. But plants make up the majority of superfoods. The very outstanding nutritional value of superfoods and the advantages they offer to our bodies are how they got their name. We consume more nutrients overall and have better health thanks to superfoods. 

A person's immunity may be lowered by hectic travel. We are more susceptible to illnesses that may interfere with our journey because of lowered immunity. We present some of the superfoods in this post that are ideal for eating when travelling or going on a trip. 


One of the most reviving and widely accessible superfoods is lemon. Even a few glasses of lemon water a day will improve immunity and happiness. Due to their high Vitamin C content, lemons are an immune system enhancer that will help you ward off fevers and colds. Lemons can also be added to smoothies, salads, fruit bowls, drinks, etc. 


Sun damage can be repaired with ginger. Ginger eases stomach discomfort, lessens headaches, clears congestion, and reduces congestion. It also helps your muscles relax. It's a great idea to keep this potent root on hand whether you plan to cook with it or just drink some tea before night. 


Even though mint leaves are not something you can bring with you everywhere, they are fairly common. Mint leaves are the perfect travel refreshment because they not only taste great but also help to strengthen the immune system, improve digestion, reduce allergy symptoms, etc. 


Since indigestion is so common while trying out a variety of new and unique dishes, yoghurt is one of the greatest foods to alleviate it. One of the most typical difficulties when travelling is indigestion. A healthy digestive system will be aided by the probiotics and helpful microorganisms found in yoghurt. Additionally, yoghurt cups are readily available very early in the morning and also help you feel more energised if you happen to miss a meal while travelling. 


The fact that turmeric is a healthy and nutritious spice may come as no surprise. Both our immune system and blood supply benefit from it. Additionally, it is very simple to add turmeric to any meal both before and during the trip. Turmeric can be prepared in a variety of ways. You can also mix a teaspoon with a hot glass of milk and drink it before bed if you are unable to prepare your own dinner. 


Almonds, cashews, walnuts, and other nuts make excellent travel foods. This is due to the fact that these foods are both non-perishable and incredibly portable. Additionally, they are a quick and simple way to maintaining your vitamin consumption while increasing energy. You can consume nuts by keeping a little amount in your handbag. This keeps you from getting hungry while travelling. 


Bananas are a fantastic source of energy in the morning, but did you also know they may calm your muscles? Due to their high potassium and magnesium content, bananas aid in the production of melatonin. So, whether you want to start the day off right or just relax in bed, a banana is the perfect snack.