Immunity has been the keyword in the past one year. Ever since the novel Coronavirus struck us, we have learnt to value our health and nutrition more. Immunity is one of the most vital processes of the body which helps in fighting viruses and keeping diseases at bay. While we do have an immunity system at place, it is important to keep it strong, for which a balanced diet full of vitamins and minerals are pivotal. While the internet is full of tips and tricks to strengthen the immunity, here we have tips from FSSAI (Food Safety & Standards Authority of India) - the food regulator of India directly under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. 

Vitamin- C is one nutrient that is considered significant in stimulating our body's immune system. Aa water-soluble vitamin, it is needed to produce collagen - the protein that holds our body together and heals our wounds. So, what do we need to keep an optimum level of vitamin-C in our body? Here are FSSAI suggested foods that are enriched with Vitamin C that you can include in your daily diet! 

5 Vitamin-C Foods To Include In Your Diet: 

1. Orange 

One of the most popular fruits, orange is also one of the easiest to include in your diet. Best way is to simply eat as is, but you can always toss it in a salad, juice it and include in your meal and also have it in countless desserts!  

2. Lemon 

One of the most popular yet underrated foods around, you can probably find 5 different delicacies where lemon has been used. From salads to snacks to refreshing beverages, lemon adds a dash of tinge everywhere. And besides casually amping up boring dishes, lemon is also a powerhouse of nutrients such as vitamin C. 

3. Papaya 

Available all year round, papaya is best eaten raw and that is also when it provides maximum benefit and nutrition. You can toss it in a salad, sprinkle a pinch of black salt and enjoy.  

4. Amla 

A powerhouse of health benefits, you would’ve probably heard your ancestors raving this superfood! Indian gooseberry or amla contains a range of polyphenols that are sure to boost your immunity. You can juice the amla or have the popular amle ka murabba once a day.  

5. Bell Pepper 

As surprising as it may sound, both red and green bell peppers come loaded with antioxidants and vitamin C. Maybe it’s time to give due importance to this super veggie!