Do you know that one-third of adults don't get an adequate amount of sleep regularly? As a result, many turn towards taking melatonin before bed. However, many people have reported that melatonin makes them feel worse and does not work for them. Certified clinical nutritionist Dr Vikki Petersen highlights why it is essential to take melatonin correctly.

Four steps to take melatonin efficiently:


What is a melatonin hangover? It is that after taking melatonin, you feel you were anaesthetized. However, it's not a bad thing, and it means you are sleep deprived; your body wants more rest; hence you feel sluggish. Get in bright light to “turn off” the hangover. Go outside and soak in the natural light, and this will lessen the feeling of “hangover”.

Stick to a regular bedtime

A regulation in your bedtime will help melatonin work on a circadian beat that will properly function if you adhere to a system. Try finding something that soothes and calms you before bed, such as a piece of relaxing music, a bubble bath in dim light and curling up with a book.

Produce natural melatonin 

Avoid lifestyle habits that can inhibit melatonin production—for instance, dim lights at least 2.5 hours before your bedtime. Are you having a tough time turning it off? Try blue light glasses and avoid stimulating computer or TV projects as they may increase your heart rate.

Reliable, trustworthy melatonin supplement 

Get a 3 mg melatonin and take it about 45 minutes before bed. Unfortunately, many companies do not have high-quality supplements. In addition, their active ingredient may be less; therefore, it is essential to check before investing in melatonin supplements.

Takeaway Tip: After taking melatonin, if you have nightmares or feel more alert, it is a sign of nutritional imbalance. Begin with a minimal dosage, and to balance your nutrition try to find a clinician. In any case, do not take supplements without expert advice.