Yes, your thyroid and mental health are interlinked. Those with thyroid problems may experience depression, anxiety, stress, and cognitive disturbances. It is the need to take charge of your thyroid health and stay fit and fine. Read on to know more. 

The thyroid can be described as a small butterfly-shaped gland present in front of the neck that regulates our hormones. The vein will produce a thyroid-stimulating hormone, which helps produce other two hormones known as triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). These hormones help in the normal functioning of the body. Hypothyroidism means there is less Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) in the body. It occurs when the thyroid producing hormones are disturbed and can lead to symptoms like fatigue, low energy, weight gain, and constipation accompanied by infertility symptoms such as menstrual irregularity, difficulty in ovulation and conception. 

How your mental health is linked to your thyroid? Explains Dr Shivangi Pawar, Consultant Psychotherapist 

Did you know thyroid deficiency can be linked to cognitive and even emotional disturbances, ultimately leading to depression? 

  1. Are you aware that the symptoms of hypothyroidism are sometimes hard to catch? They tend to include fatigue, weight gain, constipation, muscle or joint pain, thin and brittle hair or fingernails, reduced sexual drive, high cholesterol, slow heart rate and high blood pressure. Moreover, the patients may also find it challenging to concentrate and memorize things. 
  2. Furthermore, patients with hypothyroidism may get depressed as well. As already mentioned, thyroid problems can also lead to a change in mood, restlessness, irritability, and frustration; after all, that weight gain in hypothyroidism will surely annoy you. Also, similar symptoms can be seen in hyperthyroidism.

Tips for managing your thyroid health 

  1. You will have to take the appropriate medication suggested by the doctor to manage hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism. 
  2. You will have to stay stress-free by opting for relaxation techniques such as meditation or yoga from time to time.  
  3. You will have to reduce your caffeine intake as it can affect your thyroid health. Also, remember that you will have to reduce your soy consumption to give your thyroid health a tough time. 
  4. Do not forget to exercise daily. You can do many activities like brisk walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, aerobics, or weight training for at least five days a week. Exercise can help you maintain optimum weight and deal with anxiety, depression, and stress.