The term "cold-pressed" has probably been heard by the majority of you. It's possible that you also assumed that it is healthier than "regular juice." What does it imply in reality, though, and most importantly, is it better for you? Yes, is the obvious response. The process of "cold pressing" preserves the vitamins, minerals, and enzymes that are vital to your body and health. Heat and quickly rotating blades have traditionally been used to extract juice from fruit and vegetables (centrifugal juicers). By doing this, the juice has a higher chance of being oxidised, which destroys and breaks down the nutrients and results in a drink that is less nutrient-dense. In other words, the juice you produce will be deficient in the majority of the vitamins and minerals that fruit and vegetables normally contain. Slow juicing is a method of cold-pressing. This extraction technique entails pressing and squeezing the juice from the fruits and vegetables to separate it from the pulp. Cold-pressing juice is a time-consuming but effective procedure because no heat is applied, which preserves more nutrients and results in less oxidation and foaming.  

Why can't we just blend the fruit and veggies into a smoothie, some people may investigate? The reason why cold-pressed juice is "better" Doesn't mixing fruit and veggies preserve the fibre  that makes us feel satisfied for longer? Well, we're not saying smoothies aren't good either, of course! But if you want to make juice out of fruits and veggies, you'll need a lot more than you would for a smoothie. Which does this imply? Well, a juice with more nutrients and greater power! A higher sugar level is also a result of the fact that most smoothie and juice companies like to add a lot more fruit than vegetables to their drinks in order to make them sweet and pleasant. 

Health Benefits

Nutrient Dense: Because the nutrients are maintained for a longer period of time, the juice is healthier and has a longer shelf life. 

Greater yield: Typically, you can squeeze 15% to 30% more juice out of the same fruits and vegetables. 

Better Taste: This is just my opinion, though. However, people have discovered that they frequently prefer pulp-free juice much more. Much smoother, in fact! 

Marketing: Cold-pressed juice is becoming more and more popular, and consumers are becoming more conscious that traditionally, juices have been heated (pasteurized). Cold-pressed is beneficial for your marketing. 

Another thing to note is that when pressing fruit and vegetables using a cold press, each fruit and vegetable is pressed separately, as opposed to blending everything at once. Why is this essential? the processing times. The fruit or vegetable is only processed for about 0.1 seconds in a juicer, but for at least 60 seconds in a blender. Why does this matter? Fruit and vegetable cells degrade, which can result in nutrient loss. However, fibre is also broken down, making it easier for your body to absorb because it has already been digested. Overall, cold-pressed juices and smoothies both benefit our bodies, albeit in different ways.