Amazing Health Benefits Of Bananas: Bananas are the powerhouse of nutrients, vitamins such as potassium, calcium nutrients, magnesium, iron, and B6. These all oxidants contribute to maintaining the proper functioning of the body. Check out the six health benefits of bananas.

1. Helps To Cure Constipation

Bananas contain many non-adjustable fibers such as cellulose, hemicellulose, and alpha-glucans. These fibers help to cure constipation, diarrhea and restores the regular activity of the bowel. In addition, because of its rich amount of probiotics elements, it improves our ability to absorb nutrients and the movement of waste bowels. So eat a banana twice a day.

2. Energy Booster

Bananas contain three natural sugars: sucrose, fructose, and glucose. All three give you a cholesterol-free source of energy. Bananas are an ideal snack, especially for children, athletes, as a midday snack. Eating a banana daily may also improve and support your gut health.

3. Eat Bananas To Brighten Your Day

Bananas contain a high level of tryptophan that directly strikes your serotonin compounds regulating anxiety, happiness, mood swings, and fluctuations. So, if you ever get into the blues, eat a banana, and you’ll feel more optimistic.

4. Improves Your Vision

Like many other fruits, bananas are an excellent source of vitamin A and a mix of minerals enhancing your vision. In addition, they protect your eyes and improve your night vision capability.

5. Alleviates Menstruation Cramps

Eating a banana increases the progesterone levels in the body, reduces the bleeding, and treats cramps. For effective treatment, consume a banana with 1 cup of curd or yogurt.

6. Better The Heart Health

Potassium in bananas is good for blood pressure and heart health. Do you know that banana provides around 360 mg of potassium? Potassium helps your body maintain blood pressure and a healthy heart. In addition, bananas are low in salt, helping your circulatory system deliver a proper amount of oxygen to the brain.