You think of coffee shops and you imagine a place where you can just grab a cup of coffee and sit for hours together. It may be easy for you to unwind if you are a frequent visitor, but for the newbies, big and bustling coffee shops could be a daunting affair. When an Internet user’s grandmother made her first visit to Starbucks, she seemed to have a tough time as well. As most of us would know, Starbucks likes to personalise its service by scribbling the customer’s names on their coffee cups. It appears like the old woman was unaware of the coffee giant’s modus operandi, which is why when the barista asked her “Can I get a name for your drink”, she was rather puzzled and whispered slowly, “I guess just call it Bob?”. Now, how cute is that?  

The post made by u/jayy8143 in the sub reddit r/MadeMeSmile has already garnered more than 75k upvotes within eight hours of publishing. The commenters are also having a gala time reacting to the hilarious post.

Some were tempted to sing the title song of the famous cartoon ‘Bob The Builder’ (obviously!)


Some took potshots on Starbucks’ infamous habit of misspelling names.  

“Bet they spelled it wrong”, wrote a user.

“Bob is an all purpose name, she chose well”, a user wrote commending the old lady’s choice of name.  

An ex-Barista of Starbucks also joined the comment thread to share his funny anecdote that may thrill all Harry Potter fans.

“Best drink ever was “Voldemort”. I took the order and my coworker made it, looked at the name and shouted out “He who shall not be named?!” Made everyone’s day”, the comment read.  


If you had to name your personal cup of Joe, what would it be? Do let us know.