Cinnamon (dalchini in Hindi) is commonly used to impart a distinct flavour to foods. The flavorful spice is not only used in cooking but is also used in ancient medicine. Cinnamon has various medical characteristics, one of the most notable of which is its potential to treat diabetes. Diabetes is a disease characterised by an abnormally high level of blood sugar in the body. The body is unable to create enough insulin to metabolise the glucose that is taken, causing it to enter and remain in the bloodstream. As a result, blood sugar levels rise. Cinnamon has properties that aid to keep blood sugar levels stable.

How Does Cinnamon Help In Managing Diabetes?

    The spice is known to promote glucose intake in cells. Consuming cinnamon boosts insulin sensitivity and insulin production from the pancreas, which helps with glucose metabolism.

    It has anti-diabetic compounds that help slow down how quickly glucose enters our bodies. This helps people with Type 2 diabetes maintain healthy fasting blood sugar levels.

    Cinnamon aids the digestive system, which is directly related to diabetes condition. A healthy digestive tract will process, digest, and drain off extra sugar to keep blood sugar levels under control.

How To Use Cinnamon To Deal With Diabetes?

1. Drink Cinnamon Water

The best approach to ingesting cinnamon for diabetes is to drink cinnamon-infused water. You should put a 2-inch piece of cinnamon bark in a glass of water to soak. After leaving it overnight, take it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.

2. Drink Cinnamon Tea Or Coffee

Cinnamon powder can be used to make spiced tea (masala chai) or to flavour coffee. The distinct flavour of cinnamon and its many health advantages can enhance your hot cup of coffee in a variety of ways.

3. Use It As A Sugar Alternative

With its mild sweetness, cinnamon can be used as a healthy alternative to sugar in a range of desserts, including cakes, pies, and traditional Indian sweets like kheer, halwa, and barfi.

4. Add It To Curries

In our kitchens, cinnamon is already used in this manner. Sauté a little cinnamon stick along with other dry spices like cloves and peppercorns to make fragrant curries.

5. Add To Oatmeal

With a sprinkle of cinnamon powder, you can jazz up your wholesome oatmeal. You can also skip sugar or honey; cinnamon will make your bowlful of fruits and grains taste delicious as is.