Cendol is a colourful frozen dessert consisting of glutinous and green droplets of palm sugar syrup, rice flour jelly and coconut milk. Cendol gives out soothing and enlightening tropical vibes because of their bright and colourful toppings, making them more appealing to win over our hearts. This tropical summer dessert from Southern Asia is exceedingly popular in more than just one country. The immense popularity behind this dessert can be found in Indonesia, Malaysia, Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, Singapore and Myanmar. Cendol sure has become quite famous worldwide in recent years, but there are times when it confuses people with its multiple forms. For example, cendol in some countries refers to green jellies, while in other countries, it may be referred to as a cold dessert drink. 

A brief history of cendol:

The origins of this widely spread dessert remain very unclear to date, with many existing stories that haven't been proved yet. However, one theory suggests that it originated in Java, Indonesia, with a unique and unfamiliar name as ‘Dawet’. In Javanese culture, Dawet is related to a mixture of green jellies prepared using rice flour or sago, palm sugar syrup and coconut milk. In Java, dawet or cendol is a part of the old Javanese wedding ceremony. To sum it up, regardless of which country it originated from, cendol has developed beyond our imagination in terms of taste, style, method of making and the kinds of ingredients used to whip up this iced dessert. 

How is cendol prepared in Indonesia?

We have already talked about how cendol comes in far too many variations. The toppings and the serving style of either tall glass or bowl distinguish one country’s cendol from another. In Indonesia, the word ‘cendol’ describes only green pandan jellies served in coconut milk and shaved ice along with various flavorful toppings such as pandanus leaves, pieces of jackfruit. It's your time to feel delighted by hopping on to taste this fusion dessert; follow the above recipe if you wish to make it at home.