A few decades back, there was no sign of supplements, and food was the only source of protein. But, with the current scenario witnessing lifestyle changes such as excessive gym workouts, odd working hours, deteriorating food quality, no time to eat etc., there has been a high demand for supplements, and Whey Protein has emerged as the most vital supplement amongst all. As one cannot consume a very high amount of Whey Protein through diet alone, supplements conveniently help meet the daily protein requirement. 

Whey Protein holds vital amino acids, glutamine, glutamic acids, and Alpha-lactalbumin that helps increase immunity, aiding in faster recovery and muscle mass. It is one of the best sources of protein that gets absorbed in the body faster and helps rebuild strength and physique. Whey Protein supplements are good if the selection and usage are made appropriately as it serves the specific needs of gym enthusiasts and is beneficial for others. Consuming Whey Protein supplements are no different from foods high in proteins, such as lean meat, fish, egg whites, etc., and are a great convenient way to fulfil your protein intake for your fitness goals. 

Quick Protein Shake Recipes at home by Chirag Barjatya (young fitness entrepreneur) 

Recipe 1


  1. Whey Protein Supplement – 1 Scoop 
  2. Water – 300 ML 
  3. Banana – 1 
  4. Almonds – 2-3 
  5. Raisins/Nuts – 2-3 


  1. Mix whey protein supplement, water, banana, almonds, raisins, and nuts. 
  2. Your shake with good carbs with some fat calories is ready. 

Recipe 2

  1. Oats – 1 Bowl 
  2. Whey Protein Supplement – 1 Bowl 
  3. Sugar-Free Tablets – Optional


  1. Soak oats overnight in a bowl of water. 
  2. Mix one scoop of Whey Protein supplement in it. 
  3. Add some sugar-free as per your taste. 

Your early morning protein-rich breakfast is ready!