Anijsmelk is a hot beverage that is a delicious concoction of hot milk, flavored with anise seeds and sweetened with a bit of sugar. The drink hailed from Netherlands and is assumed that it may have taken birth somewhere in the 19th century. This popular drink has been an ultimate winter beverage for many years. However, in recent times in order to save one from the boring process of putting together a drink at home, a special powdered sachet is sold in the markets outside of India that is made out of anise seeds and sugar, which requires one to simply just mix it in a cup of warm milk. This Dutch beverage comes with loads of health benefits, as it is said that the drink has a soporific effect, it implies that the drink has a striking ability of curing insomnia. The reason being that the presence of anise seeds, which are replete with countless nutrients, and also help in relieving upset stomach and cure common cold or running nose. Did you know that besides being used as a flavouring in drinks, anise seeds are also added to cakes, cookies and pies. 

So are you winter ready? Whether it's morning, day or night, this Dutch drink is ideal for any time of the day. Wake up to a warm cup of Anijsmelk or have a sip before going to bed. This drink may get your body and mind to feel relaxed and will revive yourself with serenity. Here are the simple steps of quickly making Anijsmelk at home. 


  • 1 glass of milk 
  • 1 tablespoon anise seeds 
  • 1 tablespoon sugar 
  • Half teaspoon cardamom powder

Steps in the making-

  • Take a saucepan and add milk, mix it with anise seeds and cardamom powder. 
  • Boil the ingredients together then strain in a glass. 
  • Anijsmelk is ready to be served hot.