Beetroot juice is high in vitamins, iron, and folic acid, all of which have favourable effects on the blood, increasing red blood cell synthesis, haemoglobin levels, and oxygen availability to cells. However, did you realise that consuming too much beetroot juice can be harmful? Yes, you read that correctly. Continue reading to learn more about the negative effects of consuming too much beetroot juice.

1. Kidney Stones

According to research, beetroot is high in oxalate and may contribute to stone formation. It causes a rise in urinary oxalate excretion, which can contribute to the formation of calcium oxalate stones. As a result, it is advised to consume beetroot juice in moderation. You should also avoid beetroot juice if you have kidney stones.

2. Coloured Stool

People who consume an excessive amount of beetroot or foods with red colouring may develop beeturia symptoms. Beeturia is a disorder characterised by the reddening of urine or stool as a result of excessive ingestion of beetroot juice.

3. Upset Stomach

Beetroot contains nitrates, which can cause stomach cramps if ingested in excess. It makes the stomach very uncomfortable and makes the execution of daily life activities a gruesome task. Therefore, it is always advised to use beetroot in any way or form in moderation.

4. Not Healthy For Pregnant Women And May Cause Harm To The Liver

Pregnant women who drink an excessive amount of nitrate may develop fatigue, headaches, dizziness, and blue-grey skin around the eyes, mouth, lips, hands, and feet.

According to studies, excessive beetroot consumption may result in the accumulation of metal ions in the liver, which may damage the liver in the long run.

5. May Lead To Calcium Deficiency

According to research, drinking too much beetroot juice may cause a decrease in calcium levels in the body. Women with low calcium levels should avoid drinking too much beetroot juice.

6. Possibility Of Anaphylaxis

Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction to an allergen to which the body has developed a hypersensitivity. Many people acquire allergies to beetroot as a result of excessive ingestion, which can cause throat constriction and bronchospasm.