With the mercury rising at an all-time high and summer season at its peak, we can’t think of any other way to keep ourselves cool other than indulging in chilled summer-special foods. Melons, berries, mangoes and popsicles, there’s so much that summer offers when it comes to seasonal eating. And while many will argue that nothing beats chilled coolers and mocktails, we would say, try some desserts. There's no other delicious way to keep cool than devouring some summer desserts. Imagine biting into a wobbly and incredibly light custard, with some chilled jelly, or some mango mousse with a drizzle of honey on top, or spooning into a fruity sorbet or parfait post a lunch meal. Aren’t these the little pleasures in life we live for? 

Summer is about eating right and light. And nothing beats some sweet treats. With multiple delicious fruits lined up in the market, this is the time when you need to make the most of it to stay hydrated. And what better way to do that than to use nature's seasonal goodies to whip up delectable desserts at home? From creamy kulfis and ice creams to popsicles and jellos, there are unlimited ways to satisfy your sweet tooth and cravings. So we’ve got some excellent summer dessert ideas for you to experiment with this season!  

1. Watermelon Popsicles 

Savour the refreshing flavours of watermelon in the icy cool form of popsicles, that is ridiculously quick and easy to make at home. Just some seedless watermelon, lemon and ice moulded together, you can also sprinkle a dash of chat masala to spruce it up a little.  

2. Mangomisu 

This one is just the perfect summer treat for your exquisite dinner parties at home. Mangomisu is a delightful mango dessert with a cake base of mascarpone, thickened cream and vanilla, sliced alternatively with mango slices. Topped with raspberry sauce, this comforting dessert is an ultimate crowd pleaser. 

3. Mango Tarts 

How can we speak of summer and not mention more about mangoes? Well, the king of fruits and the most popular summer fruits in India, is a versatile one. And this tart is just one of the many amazing desserts you can make from it. With fresh mangoes baked on pastry cases, this easy to make dessert with ready-made pastry has chopped pistachios sprinkled on top for added crunch. 

4. Jamun Kulfi 

A refreshing dessert made with reduced milk that you can flavour with your favourite flavour, kulfi is one of the most popular summer desserts in India. This one here comes with the tarty flavour of jamun, which is simply irresistible. 

5. Summer Melon Jelly 

Thinking of fresh, cooling sweet treats and jelly is one of the top options that cross my mind. Moulds made with melon, filled with a fruity mix along with ice cream is a super fresh, summery dessert that is sure to liven up your soul. 

6. Fruit Parfait 

Fresh fruits, yoghurt, nuts and some chilled coulis arranged together to make this refreshing parfait. Fruit parfait simply needs about five ingredients and less than 10 minutes to wrap up. Topped with nuts, there is no way you can let go of this crunchy, creamy treat post meal.