India being the tropical nation is blessed with a plethora of yummy fruits. Summers in India, especially, are filled with a wide range of colourful fruits, from juicy watermelons, tangy jamuns, sweet strawberries to succulent mangoes. There is another fruit which is fairly lesser known in comparison, but in terms of nutritional value it is second to none.  Bengal currant, commonly known as karonda is a beautiful fruit that has a tinge of pink and purple colour, this fruit is not only appealing to eyes but also has an acquired taste. This indigenous fruit is mostly grown in the states with high temperatures like Konkan, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Bihar, West Bengal and Uttar Pradesh. In India, karonda is mostly savoured in pickles or chutneys because of its sour and acidic taste. Eating them raw can also provide you with a number of health benefiting properties and some of them are listed below.

Instagram image by @theappetizer6

 It Is Good For Gut

Karonda has a fibre called pectin in it, which is beneficial for better digestion. The presence of this fibre improves gut health, as it facilitates the growth of healthy bacteria in the digestive tract, which further helps in better bowel movement. Consuming the raw fruit can help in eliminating symptoms like bloating and indigestion.

Overall Healing 

This fruit is blessed with myriad anti-inflammatory properties which may help to reduce inflammation in the body and bring down dicsomfort caused by chornic infections or injury.

Increase Immunity

The tropical fruit is enriched with vitamin C and vitamin B. These nutrients alongside antioxidant compounds protect the cells from damage. Thereby, boosting the immunity to fight against seasonal flu.

Regulates Blood Flow

Karonda has a rich source of iron which is an essential mineral for our body as it is required to build hemoglobin. And eating karonda can stimulate the production of blood. Thus, preventing ailments like anaemia.

Enjoy the goodness of the karonda fruit while they are in the season.