There are numerous snacks that advertise themselves as being healthy yet are anything but. However, there are some healthy, low-calorie options that will appeal to every taste if you're attempting to lose weight but still want to nibble throughout the day.

Why munch? According to research, snacking can aid in weight loss, especially if the snacks are high in protein and fibre and low in calories. Regular snacking can help us control our appetite and eat fewer portions at meals.

Here are 10 fantastic choices that will help you control your calorie intake without making you feel hungry, ranging from sweet fruits and yoghurts to savoury ones.

1. Fresh fruits and vegetables

Fill up on foods high in fibre, such as fruits and vegetables. They help you feel fuller for a longer period of time in addition to having little calories. Apricots, peaches, and pineapple are water-rich fruits that have even fewer calories than typical fruits while maintaining a delicious flavour.

2. Greek Yoghurt

Because of the high protein content of this yoghurt, weight loss may be aided. Additionally, it has plenty of calcium, which supports strong bones. For even more wholesome fibre, top with fruit or granola.

3. Popcorn

Popcorn that has been air-popped is a tasty and calorie-efficient snack. Make sure to choose plain popcorn instead of the buttery varieties, which are high in fat and calories.


4. Whole grain crackers

For a wholesome snack, pick out crackers made with whole grains. Add some flavour to the top with some carrots, grapes, or hummus without expanding your waistline.

5. Pretzels

Low-calorie snacks like pretzels can help you sate your hunger. Just make sure to pick the appropriate kind; stay away from those that have chocolate or other high-calorie toppings on them.

6. Rice Cakes

Rice cakes are a tasty, fluffy option for a snack. They come in a variety of tastes and have few calories.

7. Soup

A bowl of soup can be an incredibly satiating and nourishing snack. Pick kinds like black bean soup or sweet potato soup that are reduced in sodium and fat.

8. Trail Mix

Trail mix is a fantastic way to eat a variety of proteins, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats. Just be careful with portion control because consuming too much of this delectable snack is simple.

9. Hard Boiled Eggs

Eggs, especially hard-boiled ones, are a fantastic source of protein and can help you feel full. Don't top your food with high-calorie ingredients like cheese or mayonnaise.

10. Fruit bars

These bars are a terrific on-the-go snack because they are prepared with real fruit. However, be sure to read the label carefully because some kinds may be heavy in sugar and calories.