7 Dark Chocolate Health Benefits Backed-Up By Science
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Dark chocolate contains only sugar, cocoa butter, and cocoa solids. Bitter chocolate or unsweetened chocolate are terms used to describe dark chocolate that hasn't had any added sugar. Chocolate bars and confectionery coatings are made with dark chocolate, just like the other two primary varieties of chocolate, milk and white.

The products that meet industry and government criteria to be called "dark chocolate" differ depending on the market and country.

The seeds of the tropical Theobroma cacao tree are used to make chocolate. People have been eating chocolate for ages. It's possible that the Olmecs created it as a beverage in Central and South America circa 1500 BC. Afterwards, the Mayans turned it into a beverage for ceremonial uses. As a hot beverage, they would flavour it further with different flavourings and add honey and cane sugar to make it sweeter.

Learn more about these USDA and NIH-proven facts. Continue reading!

7 Dark Chocolates Health Benefits

1. Advantageous In Treating Diabetes

A study found that the prevalence of diabetes was reduced in those who ate chocolate at least once a week. Researchers think that certain plant-based chemicals in dark chocolate improve how well the body's cells use insulin. Insulin resistance is a significant risk factor for type 2 diabetes that is decreased as a result of this.

Although there is much scientific data supporting dark chocolate's health benefits, you shouldn't eat too much of it. Moderation is essential. To reap the greatest advantages, always choose dark chocolate with a cocoa level of 70% or more.

2. Prevents Dehydration On Your Skin

Dark chocolate contains antioxidants that help prevent sunburns. It also increases blood flow to the skin, improving skin density and hydration. When preparing for your next trip, pick up a few bars. Don't assume, nevertheless, that you'll require less water—you still require a lot of it! NIH also confirms it too. 

3. Enhances Cardiovascular Health

Epicatechin is a plant-based chemical found in dark chocolate that stimulates the production of nitric oxide (NO) by the artery walls. A chemical substance called nitric oxide relaxes the arteries, enhances blood flow to the heart, and reduces blood pressure. The antioxidants in dark chocolate further protect the blood vessel lining, which also stops LDL, or "bad" cholesterol, from oxidising. Together, these effects lessen the chance of heart failure, heart attack, stroke, and heart disease.

4. Improves Mental And Cognitive Health

Dark chocolate contains theobromine, caffeine, and epicatechin, stimulating blood flow to the brain. According to the research that is currently available, increased blood flow to the brain may aid in improving cognitive abilities like memory, visual-spatial awareness, and reaction time. A cocoa extract called lavado has been shown in research to potentially lessen or perhaps prevent the nerve damage brought on by Alzheimer's disease. Additionally, the extract might postpone age-related cognitive decline.

5. Lessens Tension And Stress

It has been demonstrated that dark chocolate can elevate emotions of pleasure, satisfaction, and mood. Dark chocolate contains plant-based components that function as antioxidants to lower cortisol levels, a hormone associated with stress. Research found that those who ate 85% dark chocolate regularly felt happier than those with less cocoa.

6. Chocolate Is Vital For Expectant Mothers

The process of foetal growth is intricate and necessitates an endless supply of vitamins and minerals. Consuming roughly thirty grams of dark chocolate daily will help you maintain a healthy diet during pregnancy. Iron, zinc, magnesium, and all the other beneficial minerals found in cocoa have already been discussed. When you consider the antioxidant effect, prospective mothers should feel free to indulge in chocolate.

7. Chocolate Provides Happiness

Let's move to the discussion from antioxidants to another crucial substance, phenylethylamine, or PEA. How does it function? It causes your brain to release endorphins, which are feel-good or romantic chemicals. It makes sense why, after indulging in a piece of fine chocolate, you feel so damn fantastic.

Also, do not forget about using chocolate in cooking. It doesn't need to be particularly intricate. For an added boost, make your go-to muesli recipe in the morning and mix in dark chocolate. The game will change entirely, and you'll feel good about that dinner.

Although dark chocolate has several possible health benefits, it is crucial to consume it in moderation. Choose premium dark chocolate with at least 70% cocoa content or greater; this type has fewer added sugars and more antioxidants. To gain the benefits of dark chocolate without going overboard, include small pieces of it in your diet. If you're trying to improve yourself, dark chocolate could be a tasty addition. Recall that the foundations of overall well-being are a healthy lifestyle and a well-balanced diet. So, although you enjoy the richness of dark chocolate, remember to be mindful of your health.