10 Reasons On Why Chia Seeds Are Good For Health
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Were you aware that chia seeds rank among the healthiest foods available? Nutrient-dense chia seeds are good for the body and the brain. Regularly eating chia seeds can provide you with various health and fitness advantages.

Chia seeds are rich in fibre, protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and other minerals and antioxidants. These little but powerful seeds have become increasingly well-known due to their many health advantages. Chia seeds can be dark, black, or white in certain cases. Compared to sesame seeds, chia seeds are smaller and have a slightly lighter feel and density. They add a crisp, gelatinous texture and great flavour to drinks, cereal, and puddings.

Chia seeds are regarded as a powerhouse of various nutrients and antioxidants, earning them the moniker "superfood." Chia seeds have many uses, including heart health promotion, correct digestion, energy boosts, and maintaining a healthy weight.

Continue reading to learn about ten amazing, scientifically proven chia seed health advantages the USDA and NIH support for your general well-being.

10 Chia Seeds Health Benefits 

1. Full Of Fibre And Low Carb

More than 92% of the carbohydrates in chia seeds come from fibre, which makes them low-carb. Fibre is a highly soluble carbohydrate that is easily digested and feeds the good bacteria in your digestive tract, helping to maintain a healthy balance of gut bacteria.

2. Reduces Heart Disease Risk

Regular use of chia seeds has been shown to potentially reduce triglycerides, inflammation, insulin resistance, and belly fat, among other heart disease risk factors. Additionally, they increase HDL cholesterol—the healthy kind—in certain individuals.

3. Rich In Nutrients For Bone

Chia seeds are rich in nutrients related to bone health, such as calcium, protein, magnesium, and phosphorus. They are a great calcium source for those who avoid or incorporate dairy products into their diet.

4. High In Protective Agents

According to the Yale journal of biology and medicine published in 2023, the high antioxidant content, chia seeds aid in the body's defence against free radicals. It is commonly recognised that free radicals can harm cell molecules, speed up ageing, and exacerbate illnesses like cancer and related disorders.

5. Top-Notch Protein

Remembering that chia seeds are a source of protein is important. Chia seeds have a high percentage protein content of 14% compared to other plants. Increased protein consumption lowers cravings, lessens the need for late-night eating, and promotes muscle growth and maintenance.

6. Rich In Nutrients

Thirteen grams of protein, five grams of omega-3 fatty acids, eleven grams of fibre, thirty grams of manganese, thirty grams of magnesium, and twenty-seven per cent of phosphorus are found in one ounce of chia seeds. There are just 137 calories in this tiny amount! Ayurvedic medicine also claims that chia seeds have a warming effect on the body and mind, naturally supporting a balanced metabolism, joy, and even cognitive wellness.

7. Great For Weight Loss

Because of their high fibre and protein content, chia seeds aid in weight loss. While protein is a component of many foods that are excellent for weight loss, fibre increases feelings of fullness and slows down the absorption of food. Including chia seeds in your daily diet is important, even though they won't have much impact unless you stick to your diet and lifestyle choices.

8. Fatty Acids Omega-3

Like flax seeds, chia seeds are extremely high in omega-3 fatty acids. Scientifically speaking, plant-based omega-3s are not as good as oils derived from animals, but it's still an advantage worth highlighting.

9. Chia Lowers Inflammatory Levels

Because chia seeds include three times as many Omega-3 to Omega-6 fatty acids as other seeds, they have the potential to reduce inflammation in the body. As per the principles of medicine and an increasing amount of clinical research examining the impact of consuming distinct fatty acid ratios, elevated amounts of dietary Omega-6 fatty acids are linked to elevated levels of inflammatory indicators in blood tests. 

10. Cooling Agent

Chia seeds are considered cooling agents because they keep the bodies hydrated and aid in retaining their water content. According to Ayurveda, chia strengthens pitta (the fire element), attenuates or lessens Vata (the air and space element), and nourishes Kapha (the water and earth components). Furthermore, sattvic, or pure, in nature are chia seeds.

Grab a bunch and add a handful of seeds to your diet for breakfast, lunch, or dinner anytime!