Easy and quick recipe to prepare.This is an unique mouth watering dish prepared from chicken & coconut.This Recipe is a quick Tamilnadu Style Chicken side dish. It is popularly called as “Chinna Vengayam”. Spicy in taste.Delicious recipe.
STEP 8.5.then add chopped shallots,salt as per taste, turmeric powder.
step 10
STEP 9.6.saute well for 3 mins.
step 11
STEP 10.7.now add chicken and saute it for 5 mins.
step 12
STEP 11.8.add 1 cup of water and sliced coconut.
step 13
STEP 12.9.cover and cook for 7 mins.
Nutrition value
0 per serving
Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet. All nutritional information presented are estimates and not meant to substitute professional dietary advice or treatment