Healthy Shawarma Roll Recipe

Recipe By Shrabanti Banik

Millet is rich in dietary fiber, both soluble and insoluble. The insoluble fiber in millet is known as a “prebiotic,” which means it supports good bacteria in your digestive system. This type of fiber is also important for adding bulk to stools, which helps keep you regular and reduces your risk of any health problems. So here i try to make is Shawarma Roll with healthy millets . So pita bread made with bajra(pearl millet) and stuffed with chicken keema with sesame seeds and tahini paste .

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Non Vegdiet
Healthy Shawarma Roll

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Ingredients for Healthy Shawarma Roll Recipe

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    Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet. All nutritional information presented are estimates and not meant to substitute professional dietary advice or treatment
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    Recipe By Shrabanti Banik