Green chutney Recipe

Recipe By Ishika Botra

What is Green Chutney? Chutney is probably the most popular of the Indian sauces. There are many combinations of the spicy or sweet condiment. You can prepare it as smooth and creamy or thick and chunky. Madhubhai Gordhanbhai Chevdawala's green Chutney was most popular in Gujarat. This chutney can be enjoyed with potato wafers..This chutney is mildly spicy nd mildly sour in taste. This chutney can also be added to Indian snacks like bhel puri, sandwich, sev puri, samosa, ragda patties, etc.Green Chutney is indian green sauce made with best star ingredients fresh dhaniya and mint, nd spiced with green chili, ginger, garlic and spices. This green chutney is cool, spicy and tangy at the same time.we call this Hari Chutney, where Hari means green.

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Green chutney

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Ingredients for Green chutney Recipe

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    Recipe By Ishika Botra