Strange Drinking Customs That Can Leave You High Or Ask Why

If you think that alcoholic drinks around the world can give you some best experiences in life, then perhaps you haven't encountered a few customs around them. There are several strange, bizarre and extrinsic practices which have no logic to them. But dare you to question them, especially when you are in their countries of origin? From gulping down the entire glass of alcohol in one go in each serving to using your glass in a touch-me-not mode, these drinking customs can leave you zapped. 

Clinking glasses is crude
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Clinking glasses is crude

Across the world, people clink glasses or bottles to say cheers. But in Sweden, it can be not very respectful. Please don't question why. When you are in this country, never touch your glass with others' glasses. Only during formal 'skals' can your glass cross paths.

You can't refuse vodka
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You can't refuse vodka

If you are planning a trip to Russia but don't like vodka or are a teetotaler, think twice. Vodka is the local favourite alcoholic beverage, and you aren't supposed to say no to it when they offer it. 

You can't refill your drink
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You can't refill your drink

Avoid the temptation to refill your alcohol glass while drinking in Japan quickly. Instead of loading your glass first, you must fill the one of the person seated next to you. There is yet more to the story. You must watch for them to follow suit. Pouring by yourself effectively indicates that you have a problem.

Gulp down wine
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Gulp down wine

In Georgia, wine is only ever consumed at toasts during formal dinners. But there is a catch. The locals expect you to gulp it down in one go. We know this bottoms up doesn't sound too convincing. Do not worry if you are concerned about getting sloshed! Usually, the glasses are smaller.

Accept drink with both hands
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Accept drink with both hands

In Korea, there are a set of strange food and drinks rituals and customs. If the oldest person at the table offers you a drink, you must accept it with both hands in Korea. Once you have a hold of it, turn your head away and discreetly sip.

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